The Linux job market has attracted the attention of many people these days and has caused many people to seek learning in the field of Linux. There are many jobs in the IT field where…
Rocky Linux is a free distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and intended as a CentOS replacement. Rocky Linux is very stable and user-friendly, but there is a question of whether Rocky Linux can…
Kubuntu operating system is another member of the Linux family, which is a good alternative to Windows and Mac OS because it is free, complete, and open source. Knowing more about the features and benefits…
Operating system provide a set of functions and links needed to control and synchronize computer hardware; Most computer applications use these functions; In this article, to learn about the history of operating systems from the…
Sometimes PDF Files Are Password Protected, But With Different Methods, You Can Remove The Password Embedded On This Type Of Document. Some PDF files have a password, and you must enter the password whenever you…
If you are looking for a very secure operating system, it is impossible not to come across OpenBSD. The OpenBSD operating system, as a free and multi-platform Unix-based operating system, provides users with valuable benefits…
BIOS’a kıyasla UEFI Muhtemelen Windows bu diske yüklenemiyor hatası. Windows’u yüklerken seçilen diskin GPT bölümü stilinde olduğunu gördünüz. UEFI, “Birleşik Genişletilebilir Ürün Yazılımı Arabirimi” anlamına gelir ve bir bilgisayarın ürün yazılımını işletim sistemine (OS) bağlayan…
The higher the roof, the higher the snow. The headache of someone who has two Linux servers becomes clear when you want to transfer files between these two Linux servers. To transfer the file from…
Every administrator understands the importance of monitoring the performance of servers and knows that if there is a problem in the work process and things do not go well, they should know about it as…
There Are So Many Distributions Of Linux That It Can Be Difficult To Choose If You Are Not Familiar With Them. In This Article, We Will Help You Find The Best Linux Distribution Based On…