Everything You Need to Know About 5G

  This article discusses the 5G Internet network and its key role in future technological advances and related technical information. What is 5G? َAs you know, 5G is the fifth generation of mobile networks, a…

Swing Trading or HODL? Which is more profitable?

Is Swing trading more profitable or Hodl? In this article, we want to examine this question. There are many questions about trading among traders and analysts. According to their desired strategy, each analyst and trader…
content marketing

What is content marketing? (2021 Guide!)

Content marketing aims to increase the business’s reputation and sales by providing content to the audience. The content is not just an “article,” and in addition to the “site,” there are other channels to deliver…
Instagram followers

increase Instagram followers

Instagram could find its place among users quickly, and while you are reading this article, thousands of businesses on this social network are still alive. One of the essential things to earn money from Instagram…

Are Gmail ads Fading?

Have you ever encountered ads in Gmail? Did you know that Gmail sponsorship ads are changing? In December 2020, an item was added to the Google Ads support page in Gmail ads. Google has announced…
SEO tools

27 site analysis and SEO tools

Many people think only of using Google Analytics and SEO tools when using site analytics tools and can no longer imagine an option. Although Google Analytics is a powerful and free site analytics tool, it…

Flutter : Why did I choose Flutter to start programming?

Over the years, flutter with many frameworks with the slogan “Multi-Platform” and “Write once and get multiple outputs” is there. I, who for many years built Android applications using Java. I was looking for an…

How does Google understand the Text and Exact meaning of the words?

How does Google understand the Text and Exact meaning of the words? Understanding the ability of Google to understand what people are searching for or writing on the Internet and the effect that this element…
programming languages in 2022

Top 10 programming languages ​​to learn in 2022

Starting a programming program is often accompanied by what language we should learn and what languages ​​are currently in the better job market. In this article, we ask Ded9 to introduce a list of the…

Introducing the Top Instagram Brands (Part1)

Top Instagram brands are brands that, in addition to producing attractive photos and creating audience-oriented advertising campaigns, have established a good relationship with their audience. Why do we like Instagram? Each of the top Instagram…