Solutions To Reduce Memory Consumption In Google Chrome

Solutions To Reduce Memory Consumption In Google Chrome

Here We Are Going To Suggest Methods That Can Help You Reduce The Amount Of Memory Consumed In The Google Chrome Browser. If you are facing the problem of high RAM consumption of Google Chrome,…

Google AdWords settings: how to write title, budget and ad position

You can set an amount as a daily consumption for advertising from the total credit; for example, if your full credit is 50 dollars, you can set a consumption limit of 10 dollars for the…

Types of Tabs in Gmail and Their Settings

Gmail has a number of tabs that allow users to access different parts of their email accounts easily. In general, there are 14 tabs in Gmail, which are: 1- Inbox The Inbox tab in Gmail…

Everything about Gmail (Part 2)

As mentioned in Part 1, Gmail provides users with practical and convenient features. Next, we will examine other features of this popular messenger. 6- Labels and categories In Gmail, Labels and Categories allow you to…

Everything about Gmail (Part 1)

Gmail is a free email service from Google. This email service has many features that make it one of the most popular email services in the world. Among the features of Gmail, the following can…

What Is Google Possum?

The possum algorithm is one of the practical algorithms for local SEO of sites. Like the pigeon algorithm, this algorithm optimizes search results based on the best and closest location to the user. In this…

Fixing the problem of sending email in WordPress

You do everything you can to get your emails to the recipients of the site, but they have not been sent, and you cannot send them to your recipients in any way. This story does…
8 Secret Tricks To Increase The Speed Of Google Chrome Browser On Windows And Android

8 Secret Tricks To Increase The Speed Of Google Chrome Browser On Windows And Android

Chrome Browser Can Be Considered As The Most Popular Internet Browser, But If You Also Think That Google Chrome Is Not As Fast As It Used To Be On Your System, It Might Be Better To…

How to block ads on Firefox?

How to block ads on Firefox? Each person sees an average of 4000 ads per day. If you think that number is high, using an application to block and remove ads is better. An ad…

How to block ads on Chrome?

Knowing how to block ads in Chrome is the easiest way to improve the experience of browsing different sites. This will prevent YouTube videos from being interrupted and increase your computer’s speed while surfing the…