What is IIS Web Server: (Internet Information Services)?

As the most essential element in the implementation and hosting of websites and online applications, web servers play a vital role in the performance and security of the web. In this regard, Microsoft Internet Information…

How to Configure One-Time Password (OTP) Authentication on Windows Server

When the subject of a dynamic second password was first raised, most people were reluctant to use it and considered it a useless solution. But when it comes to security, using dual one-time passwords is…

How to Set Up Active Directory in Windows Server and Upgrading domain controllers

How to Set Up Active Directory in Windows Server and Upgrading domain controllers Installing Active Directory and upgrading the server to a domain controller in Windows Server operating systems is one of the most vital…

How to Use Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing services are a popular way to host and run applications, store data, and access computing resources over the internet. Here are some general steps for using cloud computing services: Decide on a Cloud…
What Is Data Analysis, How Is It Implemented And What Concepts Does It Include?

What Is Data Analysis, How Is It Implemented And What Concepts Does It Include?

Data Analytics Is A Set Of Statistical And Mathematical Methods Used To Examine And Interpret Data.  The main purpose of data analysis is to obtain patterns, relationships, and different data characteristics to use the information…
Database Management System

The Benefits of MongoDB Database Management System

MongoDB is a tableless (NoSQL) and open-source database management system that stores, manages, and access document data based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). MongoDB was launched in 2009 by MongoDB Inc. is developed. In MongoDB,…
Management System

Applications of MongoDB Database Management System

MongoDB is a popular open-source document-oriented NoSQL database management system designed to provide flexibility, scalability, and high performance. MongoDB uses a document-oriented data model, which means that data is stored as documents rather than in…
Database Management

The Benefits of MySQL (Relational Database Management System)

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) widely used for building web-based applications. It was first released in 1995 and is now owned by Oracle Corporation. It is written in the C and…

An Introduction to MySQL: Applications and Features

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that stores and manages data. This database management system is very powerful, stable, and widely used and is mostly used in web applications, business software, and…
Cloud servers

Cloud Servers: Features and Benefits

Cloud servers are virtual servers that run in a cloud computing environment. Unlike physical servers, cloud servers are not housed on-premises but are accessed remotely through the internet. Cloud servers are provisioned with computing resources…