Fix System Idle Process High CPU Usage Windows 10/8/7

Suppose you have recently noticed that Windows runs very slowly or does not respond to mouse clicks, and the System Idle process in the Task Manager consumes more than 90% of the CPU. In that…
Installing The Program In Linux Has Different Methods Due To The Open Source Nature Of This Operating System, And In This Article We Will Discuss The Easiest Methods.

The Easiest Ways To Install Programs On Linux

Installing The Program In Linux Has Different Methods Due To The Open Source Nature Of This Operating System, And In This Article, We Will Discuss The Easiest Methods. The Linux operating system refers to a…

How to Disable the Webcam in Windows 11

How to Disable the Webcam in Windows 11 how can you protect yourself? By disabling your webcam, of course. This article will show you how to disable your webcam in Windows 11. Have you ever…

Best antivirus software for Windows 11

Best antivirus software for Windows 11 With the Internet’s growth and the technology age, security has become an increasing concern. The list of harmful malware is growing daily, and now more than ever, PC users…

How to Hide the News Widgets in Windows 10 and 11

One of the features of the Windows 10 and 11 operating systems is news widgets that can be seen in the corner of the taskbar. Some days are full of good news and some days…

Want A Successful Business? Focus On Linux

The Linux job market has attracted the attention of many people these days and has caused many people to seek learning in the field of Linux. There are many jobs in the IT field where…

Rocky linux VS CentoOS Which one is better?

Rocky Linux is a free distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and intended as a CentOS replacement. Rocky Linux is very stable and user-friendly, but there is a question of whether Rocky Linux can…

What is Kubuntu?

Kubuntu operating system is another member of the Linux family, which is a good alternative to Windows and Mac OS because it is free, complete, and open source. Knowing more about the features and benefits…

Complete History of the Operating System

Operating system provide a set of functions and links needed to control and synchronize computer hardware; Most computer applications use these functions; In this article, to learn about the history of operating systems from the…
How To Remove The Password Of PDF Files?

How To Remove The Password Of PDF Files?

Sometimes PDF Files Are Password Protected, But With Different Methods, You Can Remove The Password Embedded On This Type Of Document. Some PDF files have a password, and you must enter the password whenever you…