Step-By-Step Guide To Building A Linux Server How To Implement A Linux Web Server?

Linux is one of the most flexible operating systems in the software world. The flexibility of this operating system is so great that it can be installed on an old computer and used without any problems. …

Why Is Kali Linux One Of The Most Popular Linux Distributions?

The open-source nature of the Linux operating system has led to the release of various distributions for the operating system. Distributions are welcomed by users and businesses depending on the capabilities and facilities they offer.…

Package management in Linux

This post teaches you how to install, remove, update, and search for software packages using the apt-get and apt-cache commands in Debian-based Linux distributions (such as Ubuntu / Debian / Mint, etc.). In this post,…

What is Linux

Linux In this post, we first explore the basic concepts of Linux. For example, the definition of the operating system and the nature of UNIX. Then, We will look at Linux features such as security,…

What is plesk

The first stage you should know about web designing is the control panel .control panel is a system that helps you manage one or many hosts. Undoubtedly for whom are at the beginning of learning…

Disconnected Internet in Linux

You’ve probably heard from other Linux users how useful this operating system is and how much freedom it gives to its users so that the user can do the things in Linux that you dreamed…

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is one of the best Distros of Linux Debian, the main purpose of creating Kali was to get through security holes and take huge steps in entering security bridges. Kali Linux included hundreds…

Recovery Linux Files by Testdisk

You may have deleted a file in Linux, but you need to restore it, in rare cases, you might just get your hand in your new files, but you forgot to back them up. Fortunately,…

Upgrading to Linux 20

Linux requirements and some essential works before the upgrade itself, so we tried to collect as much information as possible to minimize the risk of any failure or any crash during the update and check if…

Cent OS 8 Part B

Security In the previous article, we talked about the visual changes and new features in CentOS 8 update; as you all know, one of the critical features of the Linux OS and all of its…