mobile virus

The best methods of disinfecting the phone without erasing data

What is mobile virus removal and is it useful and how should we remove viruses from our phones? This article will discuss some points about the phone antivirus and answer these questions. Whether they’re stealing…

What Is Protocol and Its Types in Networking?

Protocols are the main foundations of communication and information in communication and computer networks. They are like guides that guide devices and computers, allowing them to send and receive data. For every function in the…

The best antivirus without erasing data (part 2)

In the previous article, we talked about things like mobile anti virus removal and is it useful and how should we remove the virus from our phone? And…we have settled and now it is the…

The best antivirus without erasing data (part 1)

How is mobile virus removal and is it useful and how should we remove viruses from our phone? In this article, we will discuss some points about the phone anti virus and answer these questions.…

The Best Password Managers for 2023

The Best Password Managers for 2023 Once upon a time, we needed to create a user account, we specified the date of birth or “1234” as a password, but now using such simple and mundane…

How to check if a website is secure with 13 simple steps

In today’s world where online activities have increased dramatically, security and trust in the internet environment are very important. Every day we come across a variety of websites, from online shopping sites to news websites…

What Is Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)؟

Have you ever encountered strange and suspicious files and links? You have probably heard by now that you should not click on such links or download files! One of the reasons is CSRF vulnerability or…

How to Update WordPress Safely

Do you want to update WordPress but don’t know where to start? Most beginners fear that updating might break their website. This fear is understandable. However, it is important to use the latest version of…

What is a WAF? Web Application Firewall

What is a WAF? | Web Application Firewall One of the issues and problems many businesses are dealing with these days are hacker and cyber attacks involving information systems and websites. Firms and companies use…

What Is Firewall: Types, How Does It Work

In computing, a firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted and untrusted network,…