What Are Expert Systems And What Are Their Uses?

An Expert System Is A Type Of Intelligent Software That Uses Information, Or More Precisely, Knowledge Stored In A Knowledge Base, Solve Problems. Simply put, expert systems store human knowledge in their databases. These systems…
Python and PHP

Compare Python to PHP: Check out all the features

Python and PHP are both languages ​​used in the development of various programs and applications. Almost all businesses and startups need a website and application, both of which must be connected to a back-end through…

What Is The Position Of Artificial Intelligence And Specialists In This Field In Iran?

If We Look At The Status Of Artificial Intelligence In Different Countries, We Can See That The Demand For Studying In The Field Of Artificial Intelligence Is Very High Because All Countries And Industries Are…

Introducing the Phalcon framework, its advantages and disadvantages

PHP is a server-side open source language that is very popular among web page programmers. Updating this programming language through the production of various frameworks such as Lavarel, Yii, CakePHP, etc., has made it one…
Artificial Intelligence

What Is Artificial Intelligence? Everything We Need To Know About Today’s Mysterious And Fascinating Technology

Artificial Intelligence Is One Of The Oldest Achievements In The World Of Technology, Which Today Plays An Important Role In The Lives Of All Users In The World. By hearing or reading the term artificial…

Introducing the React.js framework, its features and benefits

React.js is a popular JavaScript library that is for web applications with very attractive user interfaces. This library is also for managing display layers in web and mobile applications. React.js works great in some areas,…

What Is Machine Vision And What Is The Job Market For This Technology?

Machine Vision Is A Relatively New, Complex, And Evolving Field Of Artificial Intelligence. And Machine Vision Should Be Described As The Use Of Sensors To Receive Signals That Make Up An Image Of An Object…

The best Front-end frameworks

Frameworks are very important and popular tools in the process of developing web and mobile applications. Frameworks, for example, are responsible for the ongoing operation of websites and applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Netflix.…
ReactJs and AngularJs

ReactJs and AngularJs Comparison

ReactJs and AngularJs Comparison These two popular frameworks, ReactJs and AngularJs, are almost the most widely used tools for web application development these days. In this article, we intend to explain and compare all the…

Introducing the Electron.js framework, its advantages and disadvantages

The Electron.js framework is a platform that allows developers to build cross-platform desktop applications. In fact, thanks to Electron GS, developers can build cross-platform applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, programmers can use most…