What Is Database Sharding, What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

Database Sharding Nedir, Avantajları ve Dezavantajları Nelerdir?

Database Sharding Nedir, Avantajları ve Dezavantajları Nelerdir?   Uygulamaların veya Web Sitelerinin Tasarımı, Kullanıcı İsteklerine ve Gelen Trafiğe Düzgün Yanıt Verebilmeleri İçin Zamanla Ölçeklenebilme Yeteneğine Sahip Olmalıdır. Ölçeklenebilirlik, veri odaklı uygulamalar ve web siteleri bağlamında…

PostgreSQL: The world’s most advanced open source database

Considering that almost every software or website needs a fast and stable database in its backend, PostgreSQL is one of the best options to make the work easier for the development team. By reading this…

What is MariaDB? A comparison with MySQL?

It was in 2009 that MySQL developers were concerned about the purchase of MySQL by Oracle Corporation. Because of concerns about its commercialization, they decided to develop the MariaDB database as a branch of MySQL.…
What Is Open Data?

What Is Open Data?

What Is Open Data? Open Data Is Data That Can Be Easily Accessed, Used, Edited, And Shared By Anyone. The Goals Of Open Data Are Similar To Other Open Software Or Open Source, Open Source…
What Is Database Sharding, What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

What Is Database Sharding, What Are Its Advantages And Disadvantages?

The Design Of Applications Or Websites Should Be Such That They Have The Ability To Scale Over Time So That They Can Properly Respond To User Requests And Incoming Traffic. Scalability is essential in the…
8 Key Cloud Computing Features You Should Know About

8 Key Cloud Computing Features You Should Know About

Enterprises Rely On The Cloud To Develop Modern Applications. Cloud Computing Is Distinct From Traditional And On-Premise IT Architectures Due To The Key Features It Provides. Accordingly, it is essential to stay informed about the evolving…

What Is Shared Hosting?Advantages And Disadvantages Of It.

Who hates having a villa? Probably no one! So why do most people live in multi-unit apartments? The topic of these articles is shared hosting, but let’s answer this question first. Buying a villa requires…

8 Free Cybersecurity Tools To Secure Your Server

8 Free Cybersecurity Tools To Secure Your Server All companies transmit and publish a large part of their information over the web, which has made the security of servers more important. Many hackers target servers’…
10 common questions of users related to cloud computing

10 common questions of users related to cloud computing

Cloud Computing Is One Of The Hottest Trends In The IT World And Is Expected To Become The Dominant Market Trend In The Next Few Years.  However, essential questions about this technology need to be…

Sanal sunucu ve ana bilgisayarın güvenliğini yükseltin

Sanal sunucu güvenliği Bilgi teknolojisi alanındaki en temel konulardan biridir ve güvenliğin uygulanması çok fazla uzmanlık gerektirir. Sanal sunucu güvenliği şu şekilde kategorize edilebilir: Ağ güvenliği İşletim sistemi güvenliği Web servislerinin güvenliği ve güvenlik yapılandırması…