on page SEO

What are the important factors in on page SEO?

What is on page SEO? One of the methods of optimizing website pages to get organic traffic and improve website ranking for search engines is called on page SEO. In addition to publishing high-quality and…
website design income

What factors does website design income depend on?

Website design income depends on various factors that increase or decrease income. Therefore, entering a business without knowing or ignoring the parameters affecting job success is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to list these parameters…

Want A Successful Business? Focus On Linux

The Linux job market has attracted the attention of many people these days and has caused many people to seek learning in the field of Linux. There are many jobs in the IT field where…

Rocky linux VS CentoOS Which one is better?

Rocky Linux is a free distribution based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and intended as a CentOS replacement. Rocky Linux is very stable and user-friendly, but there is a question of whether Rocky Linux can…

What is Kubuntu?

Kubuntu operating system is another member of the Linux family, which is a good alternative to Windows and Mac OS because it is free, complete, and open source. Knowing more about the features and benefits…

What Is Google Pigeon?

One of the lovely animals in Google’s algorithm farm is the pigeon algorithm. But this pigeon, unlike real pigeons, does not have much flying power and cannot fly more than users’ proximity. The pigeon algorithm…

What is MBR or GPT and which one is better?

You must have wanted to partition the disk, but you didn’t know enough about the difference between MBR and GPT formats; First, it should be said that disk partitioning helps us to divide our hard…

What effect does WordPress have on site SEO?

As you know, WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world. Regardless of this issue, we want to check what effect WordPress has on the site’s SEO. Does WordPress have the best…

Change unique links in WordPress

WordPress Links is a WordPress tool that allows us to manage the structure of URLs. For whatever reason, you may have decided to change the settings of your WordPress unique links. To change unique links…

What is redirect 301 and what is its use?

Redirect means to change the path. This change of direction for website pages is done for various reasons. A 301 redirect is a type of redirect where, in addition to redirecting visitors, search engine crawlers…