What is Computer Science (CS) and who is it for?

To explain most simply, we must say that computer science is the study of information (data) and the method of using them (algorithms) to solve problems theoretically and practically. Computer science does not mean the…

What is memory or RAM?

What does ram stand for? RAM stands for Random-access memory and is one of the important components in all devices such as PC, smartphone, game consoles, and servers. Etc. Does the computer work without RAM?…
6 Real And Creative Ways To Make Money From Machine Learning

6 Real And Creative Ways To Make Money From Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence And Its Sub-Branches, Such As Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Etc. These attractive and widely used technologies allow professionals to earn money from them differently. In this article, we will learn…

What is Intelligentization and What Processes can be Intelligentized?

What is Intelligentization and What Processes can be Intelligentized? We all have heard about smart buildings, but how much do we know about their benefits, features, and details? ?t must have happened to you that…

İçerik kelime sayısının SEO iyileştirmesindeki rolü

İçerik kelime sayısının SEO iyileştirmesindeki rolü   Sitenin SEO’sunu iyileştirmenin birçok karmaşıklığı vardır ve içeriğin arama sonuçlarına (Arama Motoru Sonuç Sayfaları) yerleştirilmesi açısından önemlidir. Arama motoru algoritmaları her zaman değişir ve web sayfalarını sıralamak için…

Complete AVR Microcontroller Programming Course

One of the main and important needs of students, researchers and those interested in the fields of electronics and robotics is the construction of various control and programmable devices and equipment such as timers and…

Gizlilik Nedir ve Günümüz Toplumunda Gizliliğin Önemi

.Gizlilik Nedir ve Günümüz Toplumunda Gizliliğin Önemi   Gizlilik bir insan hakkıdır; gözetmek ve sürdürmek toplum için bir güvenlik ve huzur duygusudur. Gizlilik, insanların kendilerini yetkisiz müdahalelere karşı korumak için sınırlar oluşturmasına olanak tanır. Daha…
What Is Jamstack And Why It Plays An Important Role In Designing Websites

What Is Jamstack And Why It Plays An Important Role In Designing Websites

Jamstack Is An Advanced Solution For Designing Websites. Jamstack Architecture Allows You To Develop Websites With Lower Cost, Increase Their Speed And Use Good Security Mechanisms To Protect Website Modules.  JAMstack is not a programming language…
content word count

The role of content word count in improving SEO

Improving the site’s SEO has many complexities and is important for placing the content in the search results (Search Engine Results Pages). Search engine algorithms always change and consider many factors, such as keywords, content…

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts

All of us are members of social networks and communication tools and use them, but unfortunately, some of us do not follow the rules of presence in these new tools. The fact is that entering…