In this tutorial, you will learn the keyword this in Java; You will learn how and where to use it with the help of an example. This keyword In Java, this refers to the current object…
When Java 8 was released, lambda phrases were a hot topic. Lambda expressions have been added to JDK version 8 to enhance Java performance by increasing the language’s expressive power. But, before entering Lambda, we must…
In Java, the instanceof keyword is a binary operator. Used to check if an object is an instance of a particular class. This operator also checks whether an object is an instance of a class that…
Inheritance is one of the main features of OOP (object-oriented programming) that allows us to define a new class from an existing class. For example, class Animal { // eat () method // sleep ()…
In this tutorial, with the help of an example, you will get acquainted with the Java Overriding method. In the last tutorial, we explained about inheritance. Inheritance is an OOP attribute that allows us to…
The super keyword in Java is used under subclasses to access members of the superclass (attributes, constructs, and methods). Before we learn about the super keyword, be sure to read about the inheritance in Java…
In this tutorial, you will learn about abstraction in Java and learn about abstract Java classes and methods and how to use them in the program. Java abstract class An abstract class is a class…
In this tutorial, we will learn about Java interfaces and learn how to implement interfaces and when to use them. In Java, an interface defines a set of attributes that other classes must implement. For…
In this tutorial, you will learn how to work with Inner and Nested classes in Java. In Java, you can define one class in another. This class is known as the Nested class. class OuterClass {…
In this tutorial, you will learn to use two selection commands: if and if… else to control the flow of program execution. In programming, it is often desirable to execute a certain piece of code based…