En İyi JavaScript Kitaplıkları ve En Güçlü Özellikleri

En İyi JavaScript Kitaplıkları ve En Güçlü Özellikleri   Bu yazıda, en iyi ve en önemli JavaScript kitaplıklarını tanıtmayı ve her birinin özelliklerini, zayıflıklarını ve güçlü yanlarını incelemeyi amaçlıyoruz. JavaScript, birçok profesyonel çerçevesi ve kitaplığı…

The Best JavaScript Libraries and their Most Powerful Features

In this article, we intend to introduce the best and most important JavaScript libraries and examine the features, weaknesses, and strengths of each. JavaScript is probably the most powerful choice of language used to build…

Top 10 Reasons to Learn Python for Data Science

Top 10 Reasons to Learn Python for Data Science If you don’t know where to start learning data science, read this article! Data Science is a vast field with different ways to enter depending on…

Send SMS & MMS With Python

This tutorial will show you how to use Twilio’s Programmable SMS to send SMS and MMS using your Python application. The code samples in this tutorial use the Python Twilio helper libraries. Let’s get started!…
programming languages for website design

Introducing several programming languages for website design

A website design programming language is a set of web programming codes that you can design different website pages. If you do a little search on the Internet, you will find countless programming languages for…

Tekdüzen Modelleme Dili (UML) nedir ve neden kullanıyoruz?

Yazılım mühendisliği alanında kodlama her zaman önce gelmez. Bazen, yazılım mühendisleri için tek tip bir modelleme dilini kolaylaştırmak için standart bir modelleme dili gerekir. UML olarak kısaltılan Birleşik Modelleme Dili, sistem ve yazılım geliştiricilerin yazılım…
website design with Python

Complete training in website design with Python

Website design with Python has gained many fans in recent years. Some of the biggest sites on the internet are built using Python. This programming language is considered one of the best and simplest programming…
Website design with Django

Website design with Django

What are the features of website design with Django? As you know, Python is one of the most famous programming languages. Django is also a tool used by Python programmers to make the website development…

How Do Developers Review Code?

Code Review Has Tricks That Only Experienced Developers Know About. In Simple Language, Code Review Can Be Likened To Basic Code Testing. Thanks to this process, developers receive feedback on their code. This is why code…
website with javascript

How to design a website with javascript

What is website design with javascript? JavaScript is considered one of the front-end programming languages. This programming language was presented in 1995 and has made many improvements until today. In addition to front-end site design,…