Çevik Metodoloji Nedir?

Çevik Metodoloji Nedir?   Günümüz İşletmeleri Son Derece Rekabetçi ve Hızla Değişen Bir Ortamda Faaliyet Göstermektedir. Yeni fırsatlara ve pazarlara, ekonomik gelişmelere ve yeni rekabetçi ürün ve hizmetlerin ortaya çıkmasına uygun şekilde yanıt vermelidirler. Yazılım…

What is Git version control?

GIT is software for tracking changes to any set of files, commonly used to coordinate further work between programmers who jointly develop source code during software development. Gate’s goals include speeding up processes, data integrity,…
Important Tips For Software Designers

Important Tips For Software Designers

The World Of Information Technology Is Full Of Specializations And Fields, Each Of Which Has Its Place, And The Combination Of These Roles Together Makes The Product Ready To Be Integrated And Accurate. Software design…
Agile Methodology

What Is Agile Methodology?

Today’s Businesses Operate In A Highly Competitive And Rapidly Changing Environment.  They must respond appropriately to new opportunities and markets, economic developments, and the emergence of new competitive products and services. The software penetrates every…

Eksiksiz AVR Mikro denetleyici Programlama Kursu

Eksiksiz AVR Mikrodenetleyici Programlama Kursu   Öğrencilerin, araştırmacıların ve elektronik ve robotik alanlarına ilgi duyanların temel ve önemli ihtiyaçlarından biri, zamanlayıcılar ve saatler gibi çeşitli kontrol ve programlanabilir cihaz ve ekipmanların yanı sıra cihazların İnternet…

Complete AVR Microcontroller Programming Course

One of the main and important needs of students, researchers and those interested in the fields of electronics and robotics is the construction of various control and programmable devices and equipment such as timers and…

Karar destek sistemi (DSS) nedir?

Karar destek sistemi (DSS) nedir?   Birden çok üyesi, departmanı ve veri tabanı olan bir kuruluşun kritik kararlar almayı nasıl başardığını hiç merak ettiniz mi? Bir kuruluşun yöneticilerine ve kilit üyelerine karar vermede rehberlik edebilecek…

What is a decision support system (DSS)?

Have you ever wondered how an organization with multiple members, departments, and databases manages to make critical decisions? Is there a system as support that can guide managers and key members of an organization in…
As A Software Developer, How Familiar Are You With The Application Development Cycle?

As A Software Developer, How Familiar Are You With The Application Development Cycle?

d iThe Software Users Use The Big Software Companies make every Day. Users Can Only Use A Software Product When This Product Has Successfully Passed All The Stages Of Testing And Evaluation. But an exciting…
The Best Tools For Identifying Application Performance Problems In Visual Studio

The Best Tools For Identifying Application Performance Problems In Visual Studio

Having Problems With The Performance Of Your Applications? Maybe It’s Time To Take Advantage Of The Profiling Tools That Visual Studio Provides. If you are a developer using Visual Studio, you should note that some excellent…