Kanban nedir ve projelerinizi daha iyi yönetmenize nasıl yardımcı olur?

What is Kanban and how does it help you manage your projects better?

Kanban is an intuitive system for managing workflow during processes. In these days when time is short and work is so much, a way to better manage projects is the dream of every manager, employee…

Best FTP Clients for Windows, Mac, and Linux (2023)

If you have decided to start a website and passed the primary step of buying a virtual server, Now you are thinking of a way to transfer the files and folders related to your website…

How to Block the Website for the user in Windows, Google Chrome and Firefox

How to Block the Website for the user in Windows, Google Chrome and Firefox Although the life of most of us has reached a higher level with the Internet, sometimes annoying or inappropriate Website can…

offline google map | How to have a map on trips without internet?

These days, traveling without an online map is very difficult and confusing. The map helps us to know our location well, find out which places we are close to and how far we are from…
SEO in Google

What is SEO in Google?

What is SEO in Google? SEO or search engine optimization is a set of actions and processes that are done to improve the overall ranking of a site or a specific page in search engines…
off-page SEO

What is off-page SEO and how much does it affect the ranking of the site?

What is off-page SEO? In the last few years, the growth and development of Internet businesses have been much faster than in the past decades. Today, websites have a special place in digital marketing, and…

12 Best Freelance Websites (2023)

12 Best Freelance Websites (2023) Freelancing has grown significantly in the past decade. More and more companies’ need for digital skills, the development of work communication tools, the benefits of this method for both sides…
SEO base website design

SEO base website design

How is SEO base site design, or how can we have SEO base site? These are the questions that people usually ask when starting their online business. SEO rank plays a decisive role in the…
SEO base content

What is SEO base content and how is it prepared?

What is SEO base content? What is the difference between SEO and digital marketing? All people who work in the field of online marketing or have information about it know very well how effective search…