
What is Nginx and its advantages and disadvantages and comparison with Apache

What is nginx web server? Nginx, pronounced “engine-ex”, is an open source web server currently used as a Reverse Proxy, Load Balancer and HTTP Cache. Many well-known companies such as Intel, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Google,…
HP Data cnter

Every thing about HP Data Center Services

Enterprise-class data center facility infrastructures need to support both current IT objectives and new equipment. And technologies required for future business expansion. Additionally, the proliferation of high-density racks in very dense configurations increases the complexity…
Google data center

Every thing about Google Data center

Take a look at Google Datacenter Google Datacenter All information on the Internet, such as your sites, your emails, and all the information you have on the Internet. Is on computers called servers. A data…
Data Center Design Standards

Data Center Design Standards

A data center is so much more than just a warehouse for servers. So The modern colocation facility is a sophisticated data networking environment. That offers tremendous possibilities to its customers, empowering them to build…
Largest Data Centers

Largest Data Center Companies in the World (2)

Indeed The demand for Data center services has become red-hot.  Reflecting this growth in today’s digital economy, It’s construction is expected to register an annual compound growth rate of approximately 22 percent through 2022.  Some…

How To Use SQL Server Management Studio To Manage Databases?

SQL Server Management Studio Is One Of The Most Powerful Database Management Systems (DBMS) That Is Available To Network Administrators To Manage And Interact With Databases. The above tool is so comprehensive and powerful that…
Largest Data Centers Company

Largest Data Center Companies in the World (1)

In this article, we are going to say the largest Data Center Companies in the World! Today, data centers have become more efficient in supporting the growing demand for new applications. Technologies such as artificial…
Data Centers

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Data Centers

In this article, we are going to know The Advantages and Disadvantages of Data Centers. Introduction: Building or space used to house networked computer systems or servers. And related systems such as telecommunications systems and…
Data Center

What is Data Center?

A data center is a facility that centralizes an organization’s shared IT operations and equipment. To store, process, and disseminate data and applications. Because they house an organization’s most critical and proprietary assets, data centers…

Virtual Clouds, Does Digital Privacy End With Death?

The Corona Outbreak Has allowed Us To Think More Seriously About Death. Now That Our Lives Are Increasingly Digital, We Are Experiencing A New Style Of Death In This Digital World.  An experience with unique…