Complete History of the Operating System

Operating system provide a set of functions and links needed to control and synchronize computer hardware; Most computer applications use these functions; In this article, to learn about the history of operating systems from the…
How To Remove The Password Of PDF Files?

How To Remove The Password Of PDF Files?

Sometimes PDF Files Are Password Protected, But With Different Methods, You Can Remove The Password Embedded On This Type Of Document. Some PDF files have a password, and you must enter the password whenever you…

What Is OpenBSD? Everything You Need to Know

If you are looking for a very secure operating system, it is impossible not to come across OpenBSD. The OpenBSD operating system, as a free and multi-platform Unix-based operating system, provides users with valuable benefits…

How to transfer files between two Linux virtual servers

The higher the roof, the higher the snow. The headache of someone who has two Linux servers becomes clear when you want to transfer files between these two Linux servers. To transfer the file from…

Linux Server Performance Monitoring with Netdata

Every administrator understands the importance of monitoring the performance of servers and knows that if there is a problem in the work process and things do not go well, they should know about it as…
What Is A Linux Distribution And What Are The Best Types?

What Is A Linux Distribution And What Are The Best Types?

There Are So Many Distributions Of Linux That It Can Be Difficult To Choose If You Are Not Familiar With Them. In This Article, We Will Help You Find The Best Linux Distribution Based On…
How To Secure Windows Server?

How To Secure Windows Server?

Whenever An Organization Decides To Implement A Local Network, It Has To Deploy Various Equipment, One Of Which Is A Server.  Servers are the backbone of corporate networks and help employees share data and perform…

How to install cPanel on Ubuntu 20.04

The role of cPanel in Linux server and website management is undeniable. Although there are many alternatives to this control panel, we can guess that none of them are as useful and popular as cPanel.…

CentOS vs. Debian: Key Similarities and Differences

Debian and CentOS are both Linux distributions that have differences from each other. These differences affect the choice of the operating system. You should choose one of these based on your needs and preferences. Linux…

Debian vs. Ubuntu Linux: Which Distro Should You Choose?

The first important point we notice when comparing Ubuntu and Debian is that Debian is the main Linux distribution, but Ubuntu is a Debian-based distribution. These two distributions’ stability, flexibility, security, and efficiency are among…