Troubleshooting In Virtualization, Providing Several Solutions To Communication Problems And Network Slowdowns

Troubleshooting In Virtualization, Providing Several Solutions To Communication Problems And Network Slowdowns Troubleshooting in virtualization is one of the permanent actions of virtual network administrators. In this post, we are going to talk about troubleshooting in…

Introducing 12 Practical Tools In SEO-The Most Important And Practical SEO Tools

In SEO, to find some errors and problems on the site, we must use tools that have already passed the test.  We also need tools to help us in this regard to create backlinks and…

What Is Google’s Honeymoon Algorithm And How Does It Work?

One of Google’s policies is that if a website is newly launched, it will display web pages in search results. This is the policy of the honeymoon algorithm that we discuss in this article. How does…

What is the difference between WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 standards?

There are various WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 standards in Wi-Fi networks for security. But what is the difference between these standards? Wi-Fi security is undoubtedly of particular importance to all of us. Therefore, we always use…

Customer relationship management (CRM)

CRM is the abbreviation of “Customer Relationship Management”. By just looking at the title, it seems that this is a concept about how to deal with customers in various manners. People commonly know CRM as…

How do we lock your WiFi so that no strangers can enter it?

People like password-free Wi-Fi networks. As soon as they find a protected Wi-Fi signal; They log in and use the Internet. Wouldn’t your neighbor have a bit of Internet bandwidth to watch a Netflix movie? In addition…

What is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is one of the best Distros of Linux Debian, the main purpose of creating Kali was to get through security holes and take huge steps in entering security bridges. Kali Linux included hundreds…

An Introduction to FTP And errors

FTP is the back door of every website, when we go shopping we can live only outside of it and just the decoration, FTP is the back door to all of the junks and things…