Error 421

How to Fix Error 421 Too Many Connections (8) from This IP

If you’re encountering the error “421 Too Many Connections (8) from This IP” while using FileZilla or cPanel, you’re not alone. This issue is common, especially for users with shared hosting, and is primarily caused…

Static IP, Dynamic IP and Floating IP What’s the Difference?

The network world is so vast that it has many different concepts. For example, when you study a concept like IP, you realize that the concept of IP has a big world. If you are…

10 Effective Ways to Reduce Internet Ping

Internet Ping reduction methods interest people for whom Internet speed is critical. Fans of video games and online video watching will be incredibly excited to read this interesting and helpful article. Most internet users do…

What is a File Server and How does it work?

Surely, you have heard a lot about file servers, but if you don’t want to be satisfied with their names and want to know more about file servers and how they work, you are in…

What is NAS? Check it from 0 to 100

NAS, or network-attached storage (NAS), is file-oriented storage that allows network users to access data by connecting to the network like a node. All clients and users in a local network (LAN) will have access…
access control list

What is an access control list (ACL)?

One way to properly use network equipment is to fully understand it and its other capabilities. This article will examine the different types of access control list and some deployment concepts, including why and when…
Network Reset Windows 11

How To Reset Network Settings In Windows 11&10

Windows 11 has a new feature that allows you to reset your Internet Network settings and fix connection problems. If you encounter connection problems, you can use the Network Reset button in Windows 11 to…

What is ICMP?

When information is transmitted over the Internet, computer systems send and receive data using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol. If there is a connection problem, error, or connection status, messages are sent using…

What Is Protocol and Its Types in Networking?

Protocols are the main foundations of communication and information in communication and computer networks. They are like guides that guide devices and computers, allowing them to send and receive data. For every function in the…
Detecting plagiarism

Examining how to detect plagiarism and prevent it from happening

Detecting plagiarism has become very important in writing articles and creating content today. It is better to familiarize yourself with the related methods and software to check plagiarism and detect duplicate content in a text…