How To Fix The “Error Establishing a Database Connection”

Setting up a WordPress website starts with purchasing a virtual hosting server, uploading website files, and creating a database related to the data and content needed for website pages. Now, if the connection between these…
Apache Cassandra

What is Apache Cassandra database and what are its uses?

What is the Apache Cassandra Database? You can read this article if you are looking for the exact answer to this question. Apache Cassandra database is a type of NoSQL database that is open source…
Database Management System

The Benefits of MongoDB Database Management System

MongoDB is a tableless (NoSQL) and open-source database management system that stores, manages, and access document data based on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). MongoDB was launched in 2009 by MongoDB Inc. is developed. In MongoDB,…
Management System

Applications of MongoDB Database Management System

MongoDB is a popular open-source document-oriented NoSQL database management system designed to provide flexibility, scalability, and high performance. MongoDB uses a document-oriented data model, which means that data is stored as documents rather than in…
Database Management

The Benefits of MySQL (Relational Database Management System)

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) widely used for building web-based applications. It was first released in 1995 and is now owned by Oracle Corporation. It is written in the C and…

An Introduction to MySQL: Applications and Features

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that stores and manages data. This database management system is very powerful, stable, and widely used and is mostly used in web applications, business software, and…

tips for managing database

((It is a collection of articles about database to repeat points. Thank you for your cooperation.)) Poorly designed databases are counterproductive to performance. Yet, many companies are unaware of the little errors causing big problems.…

Database and Its Types (Part 2)

In the first part of this article, we introduced some types of databases. As mentioned, a database is a set of data and information stored in an organized manner in a system, and it is…

Database and its types (part 1)

A database is a set of structured and related data used in computer systems to manage, store and retrieve data. Databases are stored as electronic files in computer systems and can be easily managed using…

PostgreSQL: Dünyanın en gelişmiş açık kaynak veritabanı

Hemen hemen her yazılımın veya web sitesinin arka ucunda hızlı ve kararlı bir veritabanına ihtiyaç duyduğu düşünüldüğünde, PostgreSQL, geliştirme ekibinin işini kolaylaştırmak için en iyi seçeneklerden biridir. Bu makaleyi okuyarak, Apple, NASA ve Instagram gibi…