What is Google Search Console?

Getting success in Google and reaching one of its immediate results requires correctly understanding the criteria defined by this valuable search engine. Registering the site in the Google console is one of the most important…

What is a web server and how does it work?

Today, many businesses use the unlimited world of the Internet to improve their business conditions. For this, it is enough to have a website and manage it according to the existing instructions. But to have…

What is CDN? And what is its use?

You must have heard of CDN technology, but what does CDN stand for? And what is its use? In this article, I intend to introduce you to the term , which stands for CDN Content.…
website design tool

Introducing the best and easiest website design tool

What is the best and easiest website design tool? Is it possible to design a website with a mobile phone? Is website design better with coding or without coding? Since website design is one of…
an SEO specialist

Who is called an SEO specialist?

Let’s get to know the SEO specialist in this article: In the article on professional SEO, we discussed the characteristics of a professional SEO. Now, we will work more clearly and clearly to improve site…
Common mistakes in SEO

Common mistakes in SEO and website design

Sometimes, common mistakes in SEO and website design cause problems in site optimization and SEO. In this article, we will mention these mistakes case by case and analyze and explain them. I was not paying…

Most common Windows 11 problems and How to fix them

Even though Microsoft is trying to make everyone like the latest version of Windows, it is not a reason to ignore Windows 11 bugs and not fix them. Windows 11 is the latest and, of…

How to Install Pip3 On Windows With A Few Easy Steps

How to Install Pip3 On Windows With A Few Easy Steps Python is a powerful programming language that has high code readability. It comes with various packages for programming, data science and many more. Since…

Top 6 Ways to Fix Internet Keeps Disconnecting on Windows

The constant disconnection of the Internet is one of the most annoying things that occupy the mind. But don’t worry; usually, this problem is not very difficult to fix. . . First, you need to…
store SEO

What is store SEO?

Site optimization is generally divided into two parts: internal SEO and external SEO. Internal SEO It includes site design parameters and content parameters. In other words, it means optimizing the site with the help of…