How to Set Up Active Directory in Windows Server and Upgrading domain controllers

How to Set Up Active Directory in Windows Server and Upgrading domain controllers Installing Active Directory and upgrading the server to a domain controller in Windows Server operating systems is one of the most vital…
What is SEO

What is SEO?

What is SEO, and what is its application? To be seen in the digital world and to make your brand name or service known to everyone, the first step is to know what SEO is!…

Review of the best Linux in 2022

Introduction and review of the best Linux in 2022 The war between desktop operating systems is not new. Many users around the world never agree on which operating system is better. But some are also…

Introduction to XML

Extensible markup language or XML for short is used to store structured data or more in network exchanges or between two different systems. A very simple and small database in the scale of a text…

Features of Python Django Framework

Features of Python Django Framework Genco is considered one of the most popular in the web world. A multi-purpose framework written in Python with many capabilities to produce websites and web applications that promotes the…

11 of the most popular Linux distributions

Know the list of 11 popular Linux distributions What are Linux distributions? Do you know what are the best Linux distributions? Suppose you are looking for a professional operating system. In that case, you should…

What is Network Topology?

The configuration or topology of a network is essential to determine its performance. Network topology describes how the connections between links and nodes are arranged and regulated, which includes physical or logical descriptiNetwork topologyology refers…
What Does Garbage Collection Mean In Programming Languages?

What Does Garbage Collection Mean In Programming Languages?

Garbage Collection Is An Automatic Process Used In Memory Management Programming Languages ​​To Collect And Delete Objects Without Using Memory.  When a programmer creates objects, they are placed in memory, and the program may no…
What Is Passive Network Equipment?

What Is Passive Network Equipment?

Every Network Consists Of Different Equipments Which Are Divided Into Passive And Active Equipments. In This Article, We Will Talk About Passive Network Equipment. Today, our surroundings are full of different types of networks (from wireless…
Static website design

Static website design

What is a static site? A static website design is created from a fixed number of pre-designed files stored on the web server. These files are written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, called client-side or…