React native and Flutter

Compare React native and Flutter based on 10 basic factors

Facebook’s React Native and Google’s Flutter are two examples of the most popular and well-known technologies used in cross-platform application development today. Since React Native and Flutter are designed and presented by professional and powerful…
Swift and React Native

Compare Swift and React Native in all factors

Swift and React Native are both new mobile application development technologies. These two technologies are very different from each other. The most important difference is that React Native is a framework based on the JavaScript…

Introducing Ionic framework its advantages and disadvantages

Ionic framework is one of the most widely used and popular tools for producing mobile applications. Entrepreneurs worldwide want an ideal app for their business that can run on Android and iOS platforms. But in…
Cross Platform

What is Cross Platform? Advantages and disadvantages

The term cross-platform is used in the world of programming for various applications and software. But what is the meaning of this word, and what are the characteristics of cross-platform applications and software? We know…