difference between wireframe, mockup and prototype?

This article is about the definition and difference of wireframe, mockup, and prototype for UX/UI designers and managers or beginner product owners and anyone interested in product design and architecture. This article is not useful…

Tailwind CSS: The New CSS framework every front-end developer

Tailwind CSS: The New CSS framework every front-end developer In the beginning, it may not be easy to go towards new things, but when we see its market and operational approach, some of us realize…
website design frameworks

Getting to know the best types of website design frameworks

The best website design frameworks are those that have strong documentation, regular updates, and responsive support. However, the question is, which are the best website design frameworks? To learn about these frameworks, stay with us…

What is the use of Python? keys applications you must know + learning path

What is the use of Python? Critical applications you must know + learning path “Python Programming Language” is one of the most popular programming languages of the current decade, which has always been among the…

What is Scratch Coding?

The good thing about technology is that you are not limited to learning your interests! Children of programmers? Maybe senior programmers too? Do you think someone who does not know programming languages or does not…
recursive algorithm

What Is A Recursive Algorithm? Examples And Exercises

A Recursive Algorithm Is An Algorithm In Which A Function Calls Itself Recursively. In Other Words, The Function Is Called To Itself During Execution To Finally Arrive At The Final Response.  These algorithms are typically used…
Python Libraries For Working With Probability Distributions

Python Libraries For Working With Probability Distributions

Python Libraries For Working With Probability Distributions, A Probability Distribution Is A Function That Assigns Different Values ​​Of A Random Variable To Specific Probabilities. In Other Words, The Probability Distribution Specifies The Probability That Each…
Decorators In Python And How To Implement Them

Decorators In Python And How To Implement Them

Decorators In Python Are A Type Of Functions That Can Be Used To Change The Behavior Of A Function Or Class. These changes can include adding functionality to a function, changing a process’s input or…
A Guide To Familiarizing Yourself With Data Structures In Python

Data Structures In Python, A Guide To Familiarizing Yourself With It

Data Structures In Python Include Collections, String Types, Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Queues, And Stacks.  Each structure has properties and operations used to manage and process data in Python. Each data structure in Python supports functions…

Introduction to XML

Extensible markup language or XML for short is used to store structured data or more in network exchanges or between two different systems. A very simple and small database in the scale of a text…