Most Expensive Domain Names in 2023

What are the most expensive internet domains in the world? Whether you own an existing business or have an idea for a startup, you need a strong online presence. Usually the first thing your potential…
Domain and Hosting

What Is The Difference Between Domain And Hosting?

If you are planning to create a website, you need to understand the fundamental difference between Domain and Hosting. Both are essential components for building a functional website, yet they serve distinct purposes. What is…

What is DNS?

What is DNS?   DNS is one of the most widely used protocols used in the Internet, which was introduced in 1984. As mentioned, to simplify the process of accessing the information of each site,…

How to Configure DNS in Mikrotik?

How to Configure DNS in Mikrotik? If you are active in the internet world, you know that DNS is like a phone book. The phonebook that you receive the domain name and gives the IP…

What is Domain Forwarding and what is its use?

What is Domain Forwarding and what is its use? Domain forwarding is simply a feature that allows you to redirect your domain to another address so the visitor sees the destination domain information; As in…

What to Do After You Buy Your New Domain Name and Host

What should be done to answer this topic after purchasing the domain? Or is it the reason for purchases, and what is the domain? It is necessary to have explanations related to hosting and domain…

What is Domain & Understanding the Different Kinds of Domains

Most beginners have questions about what a domain name is and how domains work. You may have heard that you need a domain to create a website; However, some beginners confuse web hosting services or…
Professional SEO techniques

Professional SEO techniques and everything about changing domain DNS

Professional SEO has many techniques which are great for website optimization. If you have chosen the SEO job, you should get more information about professional SEO techniques. When setting up a website for your business,…
What Happens When You Type The URL In The Browser And Press The Inter Key?

What Happens When You Type The URL In The Browser And Press The Enter Key?

If You’re An IT Expert, You’ll Most Likely Be Asked This Question At Least Once. At The Same Time, This Question Is The Constant Footing Of Employment Interview Questions In Software And Operating Systems. URL,…