Why is JavaScript Hard to learn And how to Learn JavaScript ?

While learning HTML and CSS may take two weeks to a month, learning JavaScript is difficult and takes longer. If you are new to programming, you may be wondering if you can learn a programming language in…
What Is Docker And How Should We Use It?

What Is Docker And How Should We Use It?

Docker Is A Software Platform That Facilitates The Process Of Building, Executing, Managing, And Distributing Programs. For Some Time Now, Docker Has Been Considered By Teams In The Field Of Duplex And Is Widely Used.…

What is CSRF attack and How to prevent it ?

Laravel’s popular framework, at the same time, has many points and details that require care and time to learn. One of the critical points in the security discussion is CSRF protection in Laravel, which protects…
Programming Languages ​​According to GitHub

10 Best Programming Languages ​​According to GitHub

The best programming languages ​​globally are categorized based on their usage, simplicity, and popularity. To date, hundreds of programming languages ​​exist worldwide. But in the meantime, some languages have more advantages than others. GitHub is…
React JS

What is React Js? and why should you learn it?

React JS is one of web development’s most popular JavaScript libraries (front-end programming  ). Many large corporations and start-ups use this library. React has many features and benefits that make it a better choice than other libraries and other frameworks such…

How does the world’s most popular language (javascript) work?

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages ​​today. Maybe you have just started working with it. Perhaps you have been using it for years. In any case, you can not deny that the…

Flutter : Why did I choose Flutter to start programming?

Over the years, flutter with many frameworks with the slogan “Multi-Platform” and “Write once and get multiple outputs” is there. I, who for many years built Android applications using Java. I was looking for an…
UI Software

19 Best UI Software

User interface design, or UI design, is one of the most famous skills in today’s job market. There are valuable tools for almost every part of the UI design process, each providing the essential elements…

What is Wireframe and what are its uses?

If you work in user interface design and user experience, you are probably acquainted with Wireframes. Building a wireframe is one of the essential parts of the website or software design process. This article will…

5 Best Books for R programming language !

R and Python are currently the top programming languages preferred for accomplishing data science and so they have a fair share of advantages and disadvantages over one another. Python is preferred for Machine Learning owing to its production-ready…