GSM nedir?

GSM nedir? Uluslararası dolaşım, ağ elemanları arasında iyi arayüzler ve daha iyi ses kalitesi ile dijital bir mobil sistem üzerinde GSM grup çalışması 1980’de başladı. Bugün, mobil radyo ağının küreselleşmesi fikrine dayanan GSM sembolü, Mobil…

DMZ nedir?

DMZ nedir? DMZ, ağ üzerinde, internet aracılığıyla halkın erişebildiği sistemleri, yalnızca bir kuruluşun kullanıcılarının kullanabileceği sistemlerden ayırma olanağı sağlar.DMZ, birbirine güvenmeyen iki ağ arasındaki iletişim sınırıdır. .İnternet ortamına güven olmadığı için. Bu nedenle, genellikle güvenlik…

Top powershell commands

Over the past few years, Microsoft has tried to make PowerShell its go-to management tool. It can be said that almost all Microsoft server products require PowerShell. Many management tasks can be done in PowerShell,…

What is Storage vMotion in VMware?

In short, it can be said that Storage vMotion is one of the main components in VMware vSphere, which allows us to move a virtual machine from one server to another. This transfer happens by…

The best versions of Linux for beginners

If you enter the world of Linux, you need one of the versions or actually distributions of Linux. There are hundreds of Linux distributions, but not all are suitable for someone new to Linux. In…

What does the new Linux kernel 5.14 have?

On the 30th anniversary of Linux, the new kernel version 5.14 of this operating system was released. This version of the Linux Kernel includes extensive internal modifications as well as changes visible to the user.…

Cisco router interfaces

A minor difference between Cisco switches and routers is that Cisco routers can support a greater variety of interfaces. Today, the switches used in LAN networks support a variety of Ethernet interfaces with different speeds.…

What is a DNS Record?Types of DNS Records

This article aims to provide comprehensive information about DNS, the advantages and types of records, and the use of DNS records. Stay with Ded9. Server to learn more about DNS. The domain name system is…

10 Effective Solutions to Reduce Ping

10 Effective Solutions to Reduce Ping Internet ping reduction methods interest people for whom Internet speed is very important. Especially fans of video games and online video watching will be excited to read this interesting…
What Is A Cookie In The Browser And What Is Its Importance?

What Is A Cookie In The Browser And What Is Its Importance?

Browser Cookie Is One Thing Everyone Has Heard About, But Many Don’t Know Its Importance And Why All Browsers Support It.  Why do almost all websites store their cookie on the user’s device? Although a…