How to test your Site with Google Lighthouse?

How to test your Site with Google Lighthouse? By doing this test, you can benchmark your site from many aspects that cover almost everything and see how successful your site designer was in complying with…

What is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) sends and receives electronic messages (email) over the Internet. It is a standard protocol that defines how email messages are transferred between email servers, clients, and servers. SMTP runs on…

Important Tips To Help You Create An Effective Landing Page

Important Tips To Help You Create An Effective Landing Page Landing pages play a crucial role in SEO and are essential to the most effective digital marketing campaigns. If you want your business to grow…

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO?

How to Do Keyword Research for SEO? In the continuation of the beginner’s guide series for search engine optimization (SEO), we started by introducing 3 types of SEO that can improve the ranking of a…

How to check copied content online for your website?

Are you looking for a way to find and remove stolen content from your WordPress website? You’ve worked hard on your website, but your content is being stolen, published, and taking traffic away from your…

How to modify my Title Tag in WordPress?

Do you have questions about how to use H1 to H6 heading tags in WordPress? Using title tags effectively in your posts and pages makes your content more readable, improves user experience, and increases your…

What is the ads.txt file? How to Create ads.txt?

What is an ads.txt file? Want to create and manage an ads.txt file in WordPress? If your website gets caught up in fake ads, it can damage your reputation and cost you money. Adding a…

8 common WordPress mistakes that you should avoid when Creating a Website

In WordPress’s case, a beginner’s primary focus is to set up a website theme, look, design, and perform well; in the meantime, a few things are overlooked, and some of them will turn into serious…

How to Rebrand Without Losing SEO Value

If done carefully, rebranding allows you to leverage your previous branding experience with up-to-date SEO knowledge. It is SEO. It becomes a solid new business position with a prominent web presence. Unless it’s a simple…

8 React Projects to Build in 2023

In this article, we’ve collected eight different React projects that will show you what you can build with React and inspire you to build apps you should have on your resume for employment. In addition,…