What is a network router?The Best Wi-Fi Routers for 2023

What is a network router?The Best Wi-Fi Routers for 2023 Types of network routers are used for routing and data exchange between home and commercial intelligent systems such as servers, computers, and other innovative equipment.…

How to Traceroute on MikroTik?

If you want to check what path the packet in the network takes to reach the destination and which routers are on this path, you can use the Traceroute tool in Mikrotik. Checking the path…

How to Limit Bandwidth Mikrotik Router with Queue

There is an unwritten rule about people who buy Mikrotik virtual servers, and that is that most of them buy Mikrotik virtual servers for bandwidth management in Mikrotik. People with this goal want to control…

Introduction of Mikrotik Router OS (2023)

The MikroTik virtual server is a server that runs the MikroTik operating system (MikroTik Routers) and is one of the most widely used services; This server has the key software features of MikroTik Router BOARDS;…

Mikrotik Accounting Software and Bandwidth Management with Mikrotik router

MikroTik is a Latvian company that manufactures and sells computer networks and wireless telecommunication equipment. MikroTik’s accounting software, under the name of MikroTik Router OS, is the most important product of this company. This software…

MikroTik Firewall Introduction

Mikrotik firewall; MikroTik firewall is one of the most used parts of this router. Although this Firewall is not perfect, you can use it extensively to protect your router. Like most routers, MikroTik is equipped…

What is a Router? And How Does It Work

A network router is a physical device or virtual capability used through a network connection to receive, analyze and send volumes of data between computers. Routers have a very important use in networks, and it…

What is Winbox and How you can connect to your Mikrotik VPS by it.

What is Winbox and How you can connect to your Mikrotik VPS by it MikroTik RouterOS is Kind of operating system of MikroTik Router BOARD. This OS can also be installed on a PC or virtual…

How to configure a MikroTik router for HotSpot Gateway operation

In this article, we field questions from customers on configuring their MikroTik routers for various functions. We’ll be covering how to set up MikroTik routers for HotSpot Gateway functionality. In addition, HotSpots are great for…

8 things you have to know about Cisco

Cisco Systems is an IT and networking brand that specializes in switches, routers, cybersecurity, and IoT and whose logo seems to be on every office telephone or conference hardware. Although Cisco is a popular well-known…