What are public and private IP addresses and what are the differences between the them?

It is important to know the meaning of private and public IP addresses and their differences. In this article, we will review the differences and how these two types of IPs work. When it comes…

The Comparison between Mikrotik and Cisco-which router is better?

When you are choosing routing software, Cisco and Mikrotik are the preferred software users can get, but which one is best for you? Cisco is a well-established brand for software in a wide range of…

How to configure a MikroTik router for HotSpot Gateway operation

In this article, we field questions from customers on configuring their MikroTik routers for various functions. We’ll be covering how to set up MikroTik routers for HotSpot Gateway functionality. In addition, HotSpots are great for…

Some focus factors for DevSecOps success

Introduction When it comes to adopting DevSecOps, organizations sometimes focus on overarching goals like improving business agility or digital transformation. Such a broad scope can make DevSecOps adoption difficult. Instead, companies might find more success…

How security has changed in the World of cloud computing

How security has changed in the World of cloud computing Technologies come and go, but one concept has remained at the forefront of IT conversations for decades: Security. While security remains a perennial top priority…

What Is a Firewall? every thing you need about it.

What Is a Firewall? A Firewall is a network security device that monitors. And filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an organization’s previously established security policies. At its most basic, a firewall is…


DNS How are the websites displayed on the internet and how do you get the website by typing their name? These are Hayes questions that have only one answer, with the help of DNS. But…
CMD commonds

16 common CMD commonds

Windows OS has many CMD utilities and tools that aren’t available for any user; with that being said, there’s a command prompt window for users to do all customization with their os; in the bottom…