Website design

Website Design, Types and Activities (Part 1)

Website design is a set of processes and activities that are carried out to design a website according to the needs and desired content. Website design includes Front End design, server-side development, database design, SEO…

Front end and Back end appropriate languages ?

A website requires the cooperation of two separate parts, the Front End, which does the beauty of the site, and the Back End, which is responsible for the behind-the-scenes work of the website. In fact,…
Full Stack

What is Full Stack and Who is Full Stack developer?

Full stack developer is a term that people in the field of IT and the Internet have heard at least once. Some attribute the term to programmers who are fluent in both front and back…

Introducing Ionic framework its advantages and disadvantages

Ionic framework is one of the most widely used and popular tools for producing mobile applications. Entrepreneurs all over the world want an ideal app for their business that can run on both Android and…

The best Front-end frameworks

Frameworks are very important and popular tools in the process of developing web and mobile applications. Frameworks, for example, are responsible for the ongoing operation of websites and applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Netflix.…

Advantages and disadvantages of Laravel

Before we talk about advantages and disadvantages of Laravel, it is better to say a little about why we should choose framework at all. The PHP programming language is originally for building a small language…

What is CSS and Why we should use it?

We all like to choose a place in life that feels warm and intimate and we do not get tired of spending time there. Decor design is what gives a soulless and empty room a…

Front-End and Back-End

You may be one of those people who have heard the terms Front-End and back end many times but did not know their meaning. Most web developers, when it comes to each other, ask each…