lazy loading

Fixing lazy loading with tricks to increase site SEO

Did you know that 47% of users expect a website page to load in less than 2 seconds? Page speed is important in today’s digital marketing world for several reasons, including increasing SEO. Users who…
site SEO in Google

Solutions to increase site SEO in Google

Site SEO in Google is the art of modifying a website to increase the number of people who see your page in Google search engine results. SEO progress requires time, knowledge, and patience. In addition,…

Image Optimization Plugins In WordPress 2022

What Are The Best Image Size Reduction Plugins? As You Know, Images Can Improve Your Site Experience, Enhance Your Brand And Provide More Features For Use In Advertising. You Can Reduce These Problems By Reducing…
increasing website SEO

Does increasing website SEO affect the amount of sales?

Increasing website SEO is the ultimate goal of all the costs a site owner spends to make his site more visible. Increasing the website’s SEO also pursues a higher goal, making the website page more…
negative SEO

What is negative SEO?

What is negative SEO? When does it happen? How can it be prevented? These are the questions that we intend to answer in this article. In today’s world, every business knows that it needs SEO…
internal SEO training

How long is the internal SEO training course and what topics does it include?

Internal SEO training in the digital world effectively develops or destroys a business. All people should receive internal SEO training to progress in SEO. In the following, we will examine different methods of SEO training…
application of SEO

What are the goals and application of SEO?

The application of SEO in today’s world is visible. Currently, with the development of the digital business world, the number of internet websites is increasing every day. Increasing competition in this global market prompts business…
an SEO expert

Familiarity with the job of an SEO expert

The SEO expert has one of the job positions in the SEO industry. This job title is also known as an SEO expert. The SEO expert job has become one of the most popular. In…
SEO directory

What is an SEO directory?

SEO directory has different sections and topics, the directory is one of these topics, and we can discuss it. The directory is one of the most important topics raised in the local SEO section. Before…
online SEO

Familiarity with online SEO auditing tools

Online SEO is one of today’s needs for every business currently working digitally. Regardless of what field you are working in, you can work in the digital field. Just as we need tools to do…