Best PHP frameworks

In recent years we have seen a dramatic growth of PHP programming language as one of the most popular web design languages. If you want to start web programming, I suggest you take a PHP…

6 Reasons To Learn Python In 2021

If you are interested in programming languages, we must mention that Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages, which is especially used in the field of data mining, data science, machine learning, and…

JavaScript Frameworks: The best JavaScript Frameworks

Choosing JavaScript libraries and frameworks is a topic that occupies the minds of many beginners. The variety of numbers and types of these tools may confuse you a bit. JavaScript libraries and frameworks each have…

What is PHP and what does it do?

Are you curious to know what PHP is and what it does? Today, web design has become one the most lucrative jobs in the world. If you decide to step into this big world with…

4 Application of Python in various fields of technology part 2

In the previous article, we discussed four applications of Python in various fields of technology. Now, we want to introduce you to four more. Today, one of the concerns of newcomers to the world of…

What is CSS and Why we should use it?

We all like to choose a place in life that feels warm and intimate and we do not get tired of spending time there. Decor design is what gives a soulless and empty room a…

What is JavaScript? All about JavaScript and its applications

What is javascript? This a question that arises for many people who are eager to learn programming and web design. As you know, in the world of programming, as in the real world, we face…


We come across many sites on a daily basis,each of which is interesting to us in some way, and may makes us wonder how these sites are in our world. If we go back to…

Python; A Programming Language for Everyone

There is no doubt that Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and has become one of the top 3 developer languages ​​in the last ten years.  According  to  a 2020 Stack Overflow survey , more…

Repeat loop for in Python – Investigate the creation of repeat loops in Python

What is the whole Python programming language? The for loop for in Python is often called Loop, For is a keyword used as a loop in all programming languages, including Python. Records show that in the…