Everything We Need To Know About Web 3

Everything We Need To Know About Web 3

Web 3 With A Decentralized Internet Focus Will Revolutionize The Web. In Web 3, Users Will Have Complete Control Over Their Information. Web 3, you may have heard about Web 3.0 and its impact on the…

Introducing Tableau software, its advantages and disadvantages

Tableau software is one of the most powerful data visualization tools that is developing and evolving with great speed. It is a tool in the Business Intelligence industry. In other words, what It does for…
UAE Golden Visa for Programmers and Developers

UAE Golden Visa for Programmers and Developers

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler Of Dubai, Grants A Golden Visa To 100,000 Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, And Start-Ups.  According to the plan, details of which are posted on the official website of the…

What is the API security?

What is the API security? API security is the protection of the integrity of APIs—both the ones you own and the ones you use. But what does that mean? Well, you’ve probably heard of the…

Programming Languages for Blockchain Development

Do you ever wonder about the sudden emergence and popularity of Blockchain? What is it? Well, Blockchain is literally a chain of blocks as the name suggests! It’s just that the “blocks” in this context…

What is the API design?

What is an API? API stands for “Application Programming Interface” and means an application programming interface that acts as a bridge between two software programs and allows programmers to use the capabilities of a system…

11 Most Useful Web-Frameworks for Python

 Python is on an unexpected upward movement. And, the demand is sure to continue with no sign of dampening anytime soon. Python is expected to overtake Java and C# in the coming years, which is…
Computer Vision

Computer vision(a comparison between Python vs. C++ vs Matlab)

We often confuse our tools for our craft. Tools help you practice your craft, but they do not make you a good craftsman. A good craftsman has many different tools in her pocket, and she…
In Its Simplest Definition, The Performance Of Human Thought Processes By Devices, Especially Computer Systems, Is Called Artificial Intelligence.

5 Important Areas Of Artificial Intelligence That Are Money-Making And Promising

In Its Simplest Definition, The Performance Of Human Thought Processes By Devices, Especially Computer Systems, Is Called Artificial Intelligence. Areas Of Artificial Intelligence, Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are examples…
How Does Artificial Intelligence Help Improve Search?

How Does Artificial Intelligence Help Improve Search?

In Recent Years, Artificial Intelligence Has Helped Improve Search Patterns, Especially In Search Engines Like Google, And Returned The Most Relevant Results To Users. Artificial intelligence technology has grown significantly over the years, and one…