What are Git – Github – Gitlab in Programming and How to Use It?

Git is a free and open-source version control system (VCS) that has become a creative and powerful tool for developers by providing great features and functionality. Reviewing any changes and updates related to codes and…

WordPress vs Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website

WordPress vs. Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website Many people face this question and challenge when designing a website: Python or WordPress? Which of these systems and programming languages ​​is better for…
Pay Attention To These 10 Key Points To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Hired As A Backend Developer

Pay Attention To These 10 Key Points To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Hired As A Backend Developer

Backend Developers Are Highly Sought After By Companies, And Even Well-Known Companies Like Google And Apple Are Hungry To Attract These Specialists. Of Course, They Pay People Good Wages. If you are a newcomer to…

Best Linux Distros For Programming

Primarily known for programmers, over the past few decades, efforts have been made to provide versions of Linux that are easier for the average user to use, such as providing more of a graphical user…

Linux’ta Excel nasıl kurulur

Sanal makine kullanmak gibi, Linux’ta Excel elektronik tablolarını açmanın birkaç yolu vardır. Ancak doğrudan Ubuntu Linux’a da kurulabilir. Windows’tan Linux’a geçiş çok basittir, ancak Linux’a belirli bir uygulama veya video oyunu yüklemek istediğinizde sorunlar daha…
12 Career Tips For Python Programmers

12 Career Tips For Python Programmers

Python Developers, indeed, Have The Best Job Market Compared To Other IT Professionals. However, Companies Hire Only Professional Python Developers. Therefore, there is intense competition among Python developers who intend to join software teams. Fortunately,…
Backend Developers Should Consider Learning These Twelve Key Frameworks

Backend Developers Should Consider Learning These Twelve Key Frameworks

Developers Have Many Options When It Comes To Choosing A Backend Framework. Frameworks have strengths and weaknesses and unique features that simplify choosing the right option.  This article will introduce you to some of the…

ASP programlama nedir?

ASP programlama nedir?     ASP.NET, geliştiricilerin web uygulamaları, web siteleri ve web hizmetleri oluşturmasına olanak tanıyan bir sunucu tarafı uygulama geliştirme çerçevesidir. İlk olarak 2002 yılının başlarında Microsoft tarafından tanıtıldı ve bu 14 yılda…
5 Strange Characteristics Of A Self-Taught Programmer

5 Strange Characteristics Of A Self-Taught Programmer

I Have Helped Hundreds Of Self-Taught Programmers With The Right Resources. I Had Talked To Them When They Were Unmotivated And Wanted To Quit Their Jobs.  I learned how to code them. What kind of mistakes…

Uygulama programlama arayüzü veya API nedir?

API veya uygulama programlama arayüzü nedir?     uygulama yazılımı oluşturmak ve entegre etmek için bir dizi tanım ve protokoldür. API, Uygulama Programlama Arayüzü anlamına gelir.   API’ler, ürün veya hizmetinizin nasıl uygulanacağını bilmeden diğer…