What is the Difference Between Windows and Linux server?

What is the difference between Windows and Linux servers? There are many differences between Windows and Linux servers. One of the main differences is in the operating system used. Windows is developed by Microsoft and…

Effective Ways to improve Speed of Linux and Windows Virtual Servers

Do you remember the neighborhood competition? Everyone chanted with one voice, fast, fast, faster, the faster the better! It is clear from your rhythmic reading that you remember well. Just as speed was very important…

How to to Install NextCloud on Windows server

If you intend to use unlimited and more private space instead of using storage spaces such as Dropbox or OneDrive after purchasing your own Windows virtual server, you will most likely go to Nextcloud. Nextcloud…

Virtual Server Applications for 2023

Have you ever thought about what virtual server applications include and what special features will be available to you? What is not a virtual server? The main discussion is in this section! Each virtual server…

Which Location is The Best For VPS?

To answer the question of which geographical location is the best for a virtual server, we need to look at different aspects of the issue. The location of the virtual server and the data center…

How to Secure Your Windows and Linux Servers

Increasing the Security of Windows and Linux servers is a broad topic that can draw attention when deciding whether to buy a Windows virtual server or a Linux virtual server. At first, it can be…

What is the Difference between VPS and VDS?

If you, like most online business owners, want to launch your own website and need an affordable yet powerful server, it is natural to buy a virtual server. This is where you unintentionally find yourself…

Backup Solution for Windows and Linux Servers

Among the most important things that should be paid special attention to in the virtual server is taking a backup in the virtual server; Important information that any organization, company or even private sector has…

How to Fix when your Remote Desktop Copy/Paste is not working?

In the morning of a cold winter day, after having breakfast and drinking a cup of coffee, you open your laptop according to your daily routine to connect to the virtual server. While working, you…

Differences between a Virtual Server (VPS) and a Dedicated Server

It is essential to understand the difference between a dedicated server and a virtual server so that your business also has a hardware solution to meet your needs. The server hosting you end up with…