What is WAMP and what is its use?

WAMP  is an online local server without the need for a real host and a secure environment for website activity, which is MySQL for Windows, Apache, and  PHP. In other words, Wamp Server is a…
types of websites

Introduction of different types of websites from different aspects

Types of websites are classified into different categories in terms of application, design, and kind of pages. Today, there are hundreds of millions of active websites worldwide, each of which will be placed in a…

What is Penetration Testing and How to Become a Penetration Tester?

Suppose you own a site or an application; this site may have a payment gateway or even require users to enter information when entering the site. It doesn’t matter if you own a business related…
improving site ranking

The effect of improving site ranking on increasing conversion rate

Improving site ranking is possible only with the correct implementation of SEO strategies. SEO of the site and the publication of quality content will provide a good opportunity to earn money and achieve conversion rate…
the importance of SEO

Examining the reasons for the importance of SEO

The importance of SEO is undeniable. Investing in this field allows you to be introduced to the audience at the right time. Generally, people turn to different search engines when they need products or services…

What Is Shared Hosting?Advantages And Disadvantages Of It.

Who hates having a villa? Probably no one! So why do most people live in multi-unit apartments? The topic of these articles is shared hosting, but let’s answer this question first. Buying a villa requires…

8 Free Cybersecurity Tools To Secure Your Server

8 Free Cybersecurity Tools To Secure Your Server All companies transmit and publish a large part of their information over the web, which has made the security of servers more important. Many hackers target servers’…
Why Are Cisco Switches The First Choice Of Network Experts?

Why Are Cisco Switches The First Choice Of Network Experts?

Switch is one of the most widely used types of equipment in wired networks, and it plays a vital role in communicating users and equipment with each other.  By providing high bandwidth, many ports, support…
Why Object-Oriented And Block-Oriented Storage Are Of Interest To Network Experts?

Why Object-Oriented And Block-Oriented Storage Are Of Interest To Network Experts?

Data Is The Main And Most Important Asset Of Businesses. The Value Of Data In The Continuation Of Business Activities, On The One Hand, And Their Exponential And Increasing Growth, On The Other Hand, have…

How to Set up an Addon Domain in cPanel ?

How to Set up an Addon Domain in cPanel ? After buying a virtual server or hosting plan with cPanel control panel, are you thinking about how you can use this plan to host multiple…