What are Git – Github – Gitlab in Programming and How to Use It?

Git is a free and open-source version control system (VCS) that has become a creative and powerful tool for developers by providing great features and functionality. Reviewing any changes and updates related to codes and…

What is Domain Forwarding and what is its use?

What is Domain Forwarding and what is its use? Domain forwarding is simply a feature that allows you to redirect your domain to another address so the visitor sees the destination domain information; As in…

What to Do After You Buy Your New Domain Name and Host

What should be done to answer this topic after purchasing the domain? Or is it the reason for purchases, and what is the domain? It is necessary to have explanations related to hosting and domain…

What is WampServer?

Wampserver is software for running, testing, and programming web applications and is used as a safe space to work on your website without the need to host it online; You can benefit from the site…
Secure Windows Server

How To Secure Windows Server?

Whenever An Organization Decides To Implement A Local Network, It Has To Deploy Various Equipment to Secure a Windows Server, One Of Which Is A Server.  Servers are the backbone of corporate networks and help…

How Page Experience Affects Your Website’s Google SEO

Many people visit the Website, as well as the satisfaction and interest of users to work with a specific site; It is for the benefit of all website owners and administrators. You must be familiar…

What is Domain & Understanding the Different Kinds of Domains

Most beginners have questions about what a domain name is and how domains work. You may have heard that you need a domain to create a website; However, some beginners confuse web hosting services or…

WordPress vs Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website

WordPress vs. Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website Many people face this question and challenge when designing a website: Python or WordPress? Which of these systems and programming languages ​​is better for…

What Is DHCP And How Does It Work?

Every System In The Network Needs To Have A Correct IP Address To Connect To The Network. DHCP Protocol Performs The Task Of Automatic IP Assignment In These Networks. The DHCP protocol (abbreviation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)…