How to access the WordPress error log file and enable debug mode

How to access the WordPress error log file and enable debug mode Access to the report file in the process of WordPress site activity can help solve problems by identifying log errors in WordPress. Due…

Teaching how to display bookmarks toolbar (Bookmarks Toolbar) in Firefox browser

Teaching how to display the bookmarks toolbar (Bookmarks Toolbar) in the Firefox browser Most of internet users are more interested in a limited number of specific sites besides the various sites they visit daily and…

Teaching the best ways to delete programs in Windows 10

Teaching the best ways to delete programs in Windows 10 Do you want to remove Windows 10 programs? ❌ There are methods and applications to delete programs in Windows 10, with the help of which…

Review of the best Linux in 2022

Introduction and review of the best Linux in 2022 The war between desktop operating systems is not new. Many users around the world never agree on which operating system is better. But some are also…

11 of the most popular Linux distributions

Know the list of 11 popular Linux distributions What are Linux distributions? Do you know what are the best Linux distributions? Suppose you are looking for a professional operating system. In that case, you should…

What is GitHub? – From application to how to use Github

What is GitHub? – From application to how to use Github The world of programming is surprisingly wide and wide, and thanks to the advancement of technology and the great use of computer science in…

What is SQL? – SQL in plain language + start guide

What is SQL? – SQL in plain language + start guide Meetings become one of the most valuable assets of organizations and companies. By using data analysis, I can find out the profit and loss…

What is front-end programming?

job introduction What is front-end programming? If you have researched the career path of programming and its branches and even seen job opportunities in this field, you will surely come across the term front-end programmer.…

7 characteristics that distinguish a great programmer from a good one

7 characteristics that distinguish a great programmer from a good one Great programmers are rare, they are 3 times more productive than an average programmer and 10 times more productive than a bad programmer. These…

How do I make money as a UI UX designer?

With the continuous development of the Internet, there are new ways to earn money. It can be said that the Internet has provided many opportunities for UI/UX designers and developers to work remotely or as…