user experience

13 important mistakes in user experience design

Everyone who works in the site design field will use the principles of UX in all their projects. However, sometimes people make mistakes in this regard. Common mistakes in user experience or the same User…

Introducing Ionic framework its advantages and disadvantages

Ionic framework is one of the most widely used and popular tools for producing mobile applications. Entrepreneurs worldwide want an ideal app for their business that can run on Android and iOS platforms. But in…

The best Front-end frameworks

Frameworks are very important and popular tools in the process of developing web and mobile applications. Frameworks, for example, are responsible for the ongoing operation of websites and applications such as Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix.…
ReactJs and AngularJs

ReactJs and AngularJs Comparison

ReactJs and AngularJs Comparison These two popular frameworks, ReactJs and AngularJs, are almost the most widely used tools for web application development these days. In this article, we intend to explain and compare all the…
React Native

What is React Native and what does it do?

React Native is an open source UI framework for building mobile applications introduced by Facebook. With the help of React Native and JavaScript language, we can create applications for Android, iOS, Web and even UWP…