Internet Connection Sharing

To provide a safe platform for users in computer Internet networks, the network technician must be familiar with the types of networks, network goals, common methods of hackers to attack networks, and other network-related issues.…

Internet of Everything (IoE)

The Internet of Everything (IoE) or the Internet of Everything, which is also known as IoE in short, is one of the most interesting topics that has been discussed a lot in the last few…

What are the Data Transmission Modes in a network؟

In data communication terminology, a medium is a physical path between a transmitter and a receiver, also known as a “channel,” through which data goes from one place to another. Transmission media is broadly classified…

What is Telnet? And what is its Use in the Network?

Telnet is one of the most widely used methods of sending and receiving passwords for local and remote logins. This article examined Telnet and its role in network authentication systems. The main task of the…

What is Network Bandwidth?

Bandwidth, also known as bandwidth, is synonymous with internet speed. This means that the more bandwidth we have, the higher and faster the internet speed will be. In general, the speed of the Internet has…

Data control, review of Data Control Process and related software

Data control in communication can be called a process to manage data transfer between two parts or nodes. Data control prevents interference in transmissions and simultaneous transmission from the sender to the receiver and vice…

What is the SSH Protocol?

In this article, we will discuss what SSH means. The ssh protocol, known as Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell, provides users, especially system administrators, with a secure way to access computers through an insecure…

What is the SNMP Protocol? And What is its Use in the Network?

SNMP protocol is derived from Simple Network Management Protocol, which means “simple network management protocol.” The SNMP protocol is a framework used to manage devices connected to the Internet. It can provide us with operations…
data center

What is a data center?

Most simply, if we want to say what a data center is and what is done in these data centers, we must say that a series of physical and almost large data centers with a…

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet Community Verified icon

This section provides information about the Internet’s benefits and advantages. We hope you enjoy it. 1. Faster communication. One of the benefits of the Internet is faster communication. With the help of the Internet, instead…