Banner advertising rules

12 rules of banner advertising that you should know

Banner advertising rules have been in place since 1994. Some might say that banners have been around for so long that people hardly even notice them on websites. (unless the advertising banner design is done…
artificial intelligence in digital marketing

What is the role of artificial intelligence in digital marketing?

The role of artificial intelligence in digital marketing is a very wide world. In the age of technology, it is rare to find anyone who has not come across expressions and terms like artificial intelligence…
landing page's content

What is the content of the landing page?

The landing page’s content is extremely simple and smooth; it is prepared and uploaded on a separate page of the website. The landing page is designed with the aim of attracting the audience so that…
interesting advertising banner

14 recommendations for interesting advertising banner design

How to make an interesting advertising banner? 1- Using effective sizes The interesting advertising banner has a suitable size for the advertising space. Websites, applications, and other related virtual spaces where advertising banners are used…
creative advertising banner

How to have a creative advertising banner?

A creative advertising banner is implemented with a pure idea. Designers simultaneously design simple, attractive, and creative banners that attract the audience in this way. Don’t underestimate advertising banner design for small businesses! As a…
Instagram advertising banner

Instagram advertising banner design tutorial

Instagram advertising banner is one of the most widely used advertising banners in cyberspace. During the years that Instagram was expanding as a social network, many users used this new space to present their business.…
Content production process

Content production process

With content, you can easily promote any business. In fact, where is the first place you turn to for expert advice or an answer to a question? Google! You are not alone. Google alone answers…
backlink and ad reporting

Ad reporting and its difference with backlink

Well, back to our main question, what is the difference between backlink and ad reporting? First, the ad is reported once, and your link is permanently placed in that article. You do not have to…
site author

How to become a site author and succeed in this field?

How to become a site author? Many of you may have asked yourself this question. Job writing is a job site that does not require much expertise. In this regard, a little creativity and discipline…
customers on Instagram

Attracting customers on Instagram and its various methods

Based on the feedback you get from Instagram year after year, you probably know how important this platform can be to your marketing strategy. Strategic planning, taking into account the best practices on Instagram, is…