Which one is better to develop a website WordPress or Python ?

Many people face this question and challenge when designing a website: Python or WordPress? Which of these systems and programming languages is better for creating a website? Should we get help from content management systems…

En İyi JavaScript Kitaplıkları ve En Güçlü Özellikleri

En İyi JavaScript Kitaplıkları ve En Güçlü Özellikleri   Bu yazıda, en iyi ve en önemli JavaScript kitaplıklarını tanıtmayı ve her birinin özelliklerini, zayıflıklarını ve güçlü yanlarını incelemeyi amaçlıyoruz. JavaScript, birçok profesyonel çerçevesi ve kitaplığı…
programming languages for website design

Introducing several programming languages for website design

A website design programming language is a set of web programming codes that you can design different website pages. If you do a little search on the Internet, you will find countless programming languages for…
website design with Python

Complete training in website design with Python

Website design with Python has gained many fans in recent years. Some of the biggest sites on the internet are built using Python. This programming language is considered one of the best and simplest programming…
website with javascript

How to design a website with javascript

What is website design with javascript? JavaScript is considered one of the front-end programming languages. This programming language was presented in 1995 and has made many improvements until today. In addition to front-end site design,…

C# ile yapay zeka programlama

Makine öğreniminin alt kategorileri Yeni yeteneklerin yaratılmasına yol açan makine öğreniminin geliştirilmesine ek olarak, makine öğrenimi alanında da belirli bir kariyere ilgi duyanlar için her biri uzmanlaşmış ve özel bir alan sağlayan alt kategorilerimiz bulunmaktadır.…

Python programlama dilini öğrenme süresi

40 saat içinde yeni bir geliştirici Python’da temel uygulama komut dosyaları yazabilmelidir. Python öğrenmek için bu sefer şöyle:     4 saat Python ve IDE kurulumu   Bir “Merhaba Dünya” betiği oluşturmak ve IDE konsolunda…

What is UI and UX? What is the Difference between them?

Business and life have become increasingly dependent on the Internet, web applications, and mobile phones; As a result, companies have realized that the best way to compete on the web is to prioritize building an…
How To Optimize The Code Written In Python?

How To Optimize The Code Written In Python?

Currently, Python Is The Most Widely Used Programming Language That Can Be Used To Build A Wide Variety Of Software Projects.  Statistics show that many programmers worldwide use the Python language to develop desktop and…

WordPress vs Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website

WordPress vs. Python: Use WordPress or Python to build your website Many people face this question and challenge when designing a website: Python or WordPress? Which of these systems and programming languages ​​is better for…