Teaching how to display bookmarks toolbar (Bookmarks Toolbar) in Firefox browser

Teaching how to display the bookmarks toolbar (Bookmarks Toolbar) in the Firefox browser Most of internet users are more interested in a limited number of specific sites besides the various sites they visit daily and…

Chrome ve Firefox tarayıcılarında reklamları kaldırmanın en iyi yolları

Hepimiz internette çalışırken her alanda çeşitli ve çeşitli reklamlar görüyoruz. Çoğu zaman, bu reklamlar kullanıcıların dikkatini dağıtır ve rahatsız eder. Kolayca kullanılabilecek bu tür reklamları kaldırmanın birçok yolu vardır. Bu makalenin geri kalanında, Chrome ve…

Firefox’un otomatik olarak güncellenmesini engellemenin 3 yolu

Google Chrome, tarayıcılar dünyasını tekelleştirmiş olsa da, Firefox, Chrome‘a ​​​​en iyi alternatiflerden biri olarak kabul edilir. Ancak Firefox’un yavaş hız gibi kendine has sorunları var. Ayrıca Firefox’un güncellenmesi veya otomatik olarak güncellenmesi bu tarayıcının kullanıcılarını…

How can you take Screenshot in Firefox Browser without any Add-ons?

Taking screenshots of Firefox browser pages is a simple task that can be done without installing a plugin. Join ded9 to learn more. Using a Firefox browser, you can take screenshots of web pages or…

How Can You enable The Enhanced Tracking Protection In Mozilla Firefox Browser?

Firefox Enhanced Tracking Protection feature helps users experience secure browsing by blocking trackers and cookies. Self-protection is very important when surfing the web, Especially since many websites use hidden trackers and cookies to gather information…
Mozilla Browser

What is Mozilla Firefox? And Every thing about it.

Introduction to Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Browser is a free-to-use web browser that was first released in beta on September 23, 2002, as the “Mozilla Browser,” although it was internally codenamed “Phoenix.” Firefox 1.0 was officially…

Top 10 Best Mozilla firefox Extension and Addons 2021

Time is an investable asset in today’s era, and everything helpful for saving your time is worth trying. Using extensions makes your work easier and faster a lot more than usual. Extensions are tools to…