A Complete Guide To Learn Blockchain Programming

In this article, we are trying to teach blockchain programming comprehensively and completely. You have heard the name blockchain due to various news, and you know in what fields it is used. In general, blockchain…

The IoT, Blockchain,and Ownership in the digital world

The IoT, Blockchain, and Ownership in the digital world This article discusses the need to use blockchain (a large-scale data entry and storage system). As a program to secure the “Internet of Things” IoT. As…

Programming Languages for Blockchain Development

Do you ever wonder about the sudden emergence and popularity of Blockchain? What is it? Well, Blockchain is literally a chain of blocks as the name suggests! It’s just that the “blocks” in this context…

What is blockchain? And how do we use it?

Blockchain technology is most simply defined as a decentralized, distributed ledger. That records the provenance of a digital asset. By inherent design, the data on a blockchain is unable to be modified, which makes it…