Yeni başlayanlar için Spotify ile nasıl kurulur ve çalışılır

Yeni başlayanlar için Spotify ile nasıl kurulur ve çalışılır Spotify’da ilk kez oturum açmak için bir VPN‘e ihtiyacınız var, ancak bir dahaki sefere buna ihtiyacınız yok. Spotify, VPN’lerin neredeyse %90’ını algılar ve girmenize izin vermez.…

Benzer siteleri bulmanın 3 yolu

Benzer siteleri bulmanın 3 yolu   Sıklıkla ziyaret ettiğiniz siteye benzer siteler bulmak istersiniz. Amacınız istediğiniz proje hakkında araştırma yapmak ya da benzer siteleri görmek önemli değil; Her durumda, bu çok kolaydır. Burada benzer siteleri…

What Is Google Pigeon?

One of the lovely animals in Google’s algorithm farm is the pigeon algorithm. But this pigeon, unlike real pigeons, does not have much flying power and cannot fly more than users’ proximity. The pigeon algorithm…
site speed

The impact of site speed on SEO

The speed at which website pages are displayed is very important. The higher the page loading speed of a website, the more satisfied the users of that site will be in terms of site loading…

Who is SEO and what does it do?

SEO is responsible for reviewing and analyzing the website to identify the changes required by the site based on Google’s algorithms. SEO work should make these changes to optimize the desired site for the Google…
SEO service company

Explanations about the SEO service company

The SEO service company was created following the need of today’s society for a website for every business. SEO services are typically provided in two forms. The first form is that an SEO person takes…
income from website design

Checking the amount of income from website design

How much is the income from website design? How much do site designers earn monthly? Is website design a job? Can you count on the income from website design? Suppose you are interested in website…

What is UI and UX? What is the Difference between them?

Business and life have become increasingly dependent on the Internet, web applications, and mobile phones; As a result, companies have realized that the best way to compete on the web is to prioritize building an…

Why is WordPress Free? Examining the Reasons why WordPress is free

Why is WordPress Free? Examining the Reasons why WordPress is free When we receive a free service, we often doubt why this product or service should be free. Or maybe it doesn’t have much quality!…

Firefox ‘un varsayılan arama motorunu nasıl değiştireceğinizi öğrenin

En iyi ve en hızlı tarayıcıyı arıyorsanız Firefox ‘u kaçırmayın! 2002, Firefox’un Mozilla tarafından ilk geliştirilip piyasaya sürüldüğü zamandır. Bu programın orijinal adı anka kuşu anlamına geliyordu. Anka kuşu, ateşte yandıktan sonra zaferle yükselen ve…