How to change the php version in cPanel

The incompatibility of the PHP version of the host with the template or plugins installed on the site may cause many problems. Among the most common errors, we can mention error 500. In most cases,…

How to set domain dns records in cPanel

Setting DNS records is one of the important categories that internet website owners should be familiar with because the solution to many problems can be found in their records. By setting DNS, you are linking…

How to use cpanel?

To start the site, you need to purchase hosting and domain. In this series of articles from the FA host knowledge base, we intend to provide complete training on working with cPanel hosting. You should…

CSR production training in cPanel

Website security is one of the most important things that webmasters should pay attention to. Because if a website cannot provide the necessary security, it is very easy to become the target of hacker attacks…

How to prevent sending spam emails in cPanel

Most of us may receive a lot of spam emails daily. This can be very annoying and waste your time and energy unnecessarily. For this reason, the best thing to do in this situation is…

cPanel free SSL activation and automatic renewal

With the emergence of websites and expanding activities in the web space, Internet users are looking for websites that provide their security well. One of the ways that internet website owners can ensure the security…

How to install WordPress on a cPanel domain

Have you ever thought about having multiple sites on one host? Since WordPress has become one of the main choices of users as a popular content management system, you must know how to install WordPress…

How to know the statistics of visitors to our site with cPanel?

Have you ever wanted to check the status of your website in terms of statistics and the number of visits it receives? What was the solution that came to your mind for this? As you…

Learning how to view the amount of resources consumed by the site in the cPanel host

Website speed and hosting power are the topics that can play an important role in the site’s overall performance and the level of user satisfaction. The speed of a website is directly related to factors…

Preventing the use of site bandwidth by other sites

e same control panels for hosting companies do not use, But it can be said with confidence that cPanel is one of the most common and popular among them. In this management panel, users are…