Top12 Highest Paying Jobs in the World | 2024

Is income more important for choosing a job or personal interests? The answer to this question depends on whether we have a short-term or a long-term view. First of all, we must say that choosing…
Targeted banner ads

What is targeted banner advertising, and how does it work?

Targeted banner ads focus on the basics of display advertising and help your business determine if this popular digital service is right for you! Everyone believes in the power of traditional media, such as radio…
benefits of advertising banners

Examining the benefits of advertising banners at a glance

The benefits of advertising banners are very wide and varied. Banners are one of the oldest types of advertising that have been the focus of business owners for years. They can create an instant connection…
Banner advertising rules

12 rules of banner advertising that you should know

Banner advertising rules have been in place since 1994. Some might say that banners have been around for so long that people hardly even notice them on websites. (unless the advertising banner design is done…
static banner design

Teaching the principles of static banner design

Static banner design has its own fans among business owners. Today, with the expansion of the online world, fixed banners are used a lot. Therefore, in order to be more effective, the banner design should…
key features of a banner ad campaign

4 important features of a successful banner advertising campaign

What are the key features of a banner ad campaign? This article tries to answer this question. So stay with us until the end. Successful display advertising is much easier than many marketers think. In…

Top 8 examples of interactive leadership in 2023

What is the interactive leadership style? Interactional leadership theory originated by Max Weber in 1947 and later by Bernard Bass in 1981 , it involves motivating and controlling followers inherently through give and take. However,…

Introducing the top 10 freelancing sites in the world (part 2)

As in the previous article, we introduced the first 10 out of 20 foreign freelance sites to you, here we will introduce the second 10. So stay tuned to ded9. freelancing   11- DesignHill freelance…

Introducing the top 10 freelancing sites in the world (Part 1)

Many sites in the world operate in the field of remote work , the number of which has increased significantly in previous years. You can experience earning real internet income at home by working on…

What are the definition, types and benefits of remote work?

Work models and organizational management have also changed with the growth and development of technology, especially the Internet and communication technologies. Remote work is one of these new collaboration models that many companies use today.…