Google search

8 useful tips and tricks for professional Google search

Most people use the Google search engine for various reasons every day. But the question is, are they familiar with Google’s professional search method? So in this article, we decided to introduce ten tips and…

How to Create an Email on an Android phone

If you use an Android phone, you must have realized how much easier it is to check emails with your phone. Even if you have several personal and business emails, it is easy to manage…
professional Google search

10 useful tips and tricks for professional Google search

Most people use the Google search engine for various reasons every day. But the question is, are they familiar with Google’s professional search method? So in this article, we decided to introduce ten tips and…
Google Search Engine

What is Google Search Engine?

For more information about Google Search Engine and how to work with it, stay tuned for the rest of this article. Google, or Google Search Engine, is one of the applications that you probably have…
Tag Manager

What is a Tag Manager?

One of the best tools to help you gather more information from your customers is Tag Manager. You should know that one of your trump cards in an online business collects your customers’ information. If…

How to Get rid of a lot of Spam Emails?

According to a report by The Radicati Group’s technology market research firm, we receive more spam today than ever before. In 2015, the average number of spam messages received by a My Business (Merchant) was…

4 Ways to Register a Address on Google Map (and solve the problem of not registering)

We often want to go somewhere and do not know the exact location. We open Google Map or Google Map and easily find the place we want in such cases. In the past, when Google…

The Best way to Prevent Spam Emails

Email Services If emails appear to be spam, they are automatically considered spam and generally do a good job. But well, these filters are not always great, and sometimes the messages you want to send…

What is the difference between BCC and CC in email?

Today, e-mails play a vital role in almost every organization, large or small. E-mails are a formal and organized means of inter-organizational communication. Therefore, having information in this field is essential for all professionals, including…

How to Send Anonymous Emails: 5 Methods

Emails are designed to allow identifiable two-way communication. In addition to the sender’s address, the email also shows much more information about you that can be used to identify you. If you look at the…