What Is Dynamic Programming And Why Is It A Good Idea To Learn It?

When we think of a dynamic programming problem, we need to understand the set of sub-problems and how they relate to each other.  In this article, we are going to briefly review dynamic programming. Algorithms…

What Is A Data Pipeline And What Does It Do?

If you run a state-of-the-art business or online store, you probably need a data scientist. If you produce a lot of data but do not think you need a data science expert, you are not…

How To Create And Use A Personal Linux Distribution?

In this article, we are going to show you how to create and use your own personal Linux distribution based on common distributions.  Before you begin, let’s look at the prospects for this process. Thanks…

How To Install LEMP On Linux Operating Systems?

The term MLEMP stands for Linux, Engine-X, MySQL, and PHP, and refers to the Linux operating system, Engine X, MySQL, and PHP, which are used to build dynamic web pages and applications. The term LEMP…

What Are The Concepts Of Software Map And Software Development Environment?

One of the most important topics that software engineers, especially programmers, should be familiar with and unfortunately not properly addressed in the university is the concept of software map and software development environment.  You will…

What Is The Role Of Scanners In Computer Networks?

Network experts need a tool called a scanner to assess the state of the network and ensure that packets are transmitted properly over the network.  A scanner, which in Persian means scanner, is a computer…

What is Ajax and what is it used for in JavaScript?

If you are in the field of web development and design, you must have heard of Ajax. Today we are going to analyze Ajax. Its applications in JavaScript, so stay tuned for the rest of…

What Is Google Scholar And What Does It Do?

Google Scholar Is The Most Comprehensive Search Engine For Scientific And Academic Articles. In This Article, You Will Learn How To Create A Profile In Google Scholar (Google Scholar), How To Search For An Article,…

Introducing Asp.Net, Its Advantages And Disadvantages

Asp.net is one of the platforms made by Microsoft. Asp.net is for creating web pages and related technologies. In fact, it can be said that this platform is an integral part of Microsoft.NET. That is…

Introduce And Download Computer Screen Video Recording Software

You may be an educator, gamer, or video content producer and need to film a computer screen. There is a lot of software for filming computer screens, which are mentioned below.  Computer screen video The video…