Backlink with high authority
What does a high authority backlink mean? Everywhere you look in today’s world, powerful and influential people have a platform and can speak. But it’s not just talking; it’s more important that other people hear these talks.
Now, what makes the words of the powerful to be heard? Is it because of the current truth in their words? Obviously not. Then what? They have a core and a margin of power that supports their words. Imagine a family discussion between an elderly person and a newly matured teenager. Whose words do the rest of the people in the crowd accept?
The same rules apply in the Internet world. In this article, we are going to describe it and examine its use in the field of SEO and backlinks.
What is meant by domain and authority?
This issue can give it the scope of being in the primary rankings. This is the way that as more people refer to that domain of authority, that’s it, the domain remains constant; Because it is seen more and more. The Internet world is also a shadow of the real world. So, it is not far from the mind that the person or the domain that says something is more important than what he says!
How can the authority of the site be increased?
But the main question is always, how can we get the necessary authority? This is where we need to check the performance of search engines like Google to understand more authority in the Internet world. Search engines are designed to find the closest content to what you are looking for in the mass of content available in the network space in the shortest possible time.
Therefore, they need to classify the content. In this case, they have parameters presented in the form of algorithms. In general, these parameters show that through Google’s algorithms, two things are examined: first, natural traffic, and second, outgoing links to the site.
So we were able to find our answer. We can increase the authority of our domain by increasing the attraction of natural traffic or, in simpler words, more contacts and outgoing links that reach our site or useful backlinks. Naturally, in the meantime, you should also avoid spamming or committing cyber violations because it can have a destructive effect on the authority of your domain.
Can sites link to our website?
Concerning external linking, the most important thing is to attract direct traffic and the flow of audience to the target site; in general, it does not make any difference whether you get backlinks from the site or from websites. However, this issue may be important for Google’s algorithms, which is the source from which the backlink came to your site. This is where we face a more important question. Is buying backlinks wrong?
Is buying backlinks always useful?
As you know, backlinks benefit us in two ways. First, to attract the traffic and audience, we need to increase our site’s credibility in the eyes of Google’s algorithms. Naturally, with the height of each of these needs that we need to increase the ranking, we have put a stamp of approval on the usefulness of buying backlinks.
But the problem occurs when we get spam and negative SEO due to ignorance and carelessness. This is where, unlike the previous cases, buying backlinks was a complete loss. So, in summary, buying backlinks is not always useful, but buying backlinks using detailed advice from experts is always useful and efficient.
What is a backlink pyramid or PBN?
Pyramid backlinks are backlinks with which you can use several external links. In simpler terms, by using pyramid backlinks, you create a context like a pyramid, where the apex of this pyramid is your site, and the lower branches are formed by backlinks of other sites. All of these are continuously connected to your site, which is at the top of the pyramid.
In this SEO strategy, you have a gray hat backlink. This means that you are not recognized as a work violation by Google’s algorithms and bots. Using backlinks with high authority is an up-to-date and flexible method designed with a complete review of Google’s algorithms and, in response to them, which you can implement on any platform. However, it should never be forgotten that outbound link building is a violation, and overdoing it will cause negative SEO and spam.
How do you check the site’s domain authority?
As the king of the Internet world, Google has provided us with all the analysis and marketing tools so that we can use these tools to fully check our and our competitors’ online business sites and conduct online business in a competitive environment. This introduction was to introduce the Google Analytics tool. This tool can extract all the information you need about a site.
Of course, other tools and suitable sites for backlinks also provide these services. Such as SEMRush Rank, Similar Web, and Quantcast. Which, in the best case, provides you with the same Google Analytics information in another format. So, it is better to use Google’s reliable tool.
How does Google find out about buying backlinks?
One of the most important algorithms used in controlling backlinks is a complex algorithm that Google calls Penguin. This algorithm started working in 2012 to prevent black hat SEO through bulk backlinks and virtual credit.
This algorithm can detect fake backlinks and buy them by measuring several factors such as the link spam status, the connection of the backlink page with the linking site, and finally, the number of backlinks of a site. The algorithm is able to find the connections between sites and links by examining their data transmission paths, for example:
When they find a series of domains, they give backlinks to the site in bulk. It observes this whole cycle to find the movements of the seller’s main site by increasing such actions several times.
This algorithm is a text-based algorithm that works in real-time and at the moment. But it does not act only in punishing the wrong sites. Rather, it helps increase positive SEO speed through basic backlinks or reports. The algorithm punishes the wrong and encourages the righteous in the moment.
For years, this algorithm focused only on external link building, until in 2016, with the increase in black hat SEO violations through internal link building, it became sensitive to these matters with an update. Now it can check a set of links of a site, both internal and external, in a moment and apply its legal decision right away.
Is buying backlinks harmful to the site?
Is buying backlinks and placing backlinks on the site wrong? Naturally, with the introduction that we said before, this image shows you that the use of backlinks is an irreparable loss for the sites that use them. Maybe this opinion is not wrong at first sight, and there are more reasonable ways to avoid throwing us at Google.
But is it possible to remove time and efficiency from our decision-making? The effectiveness of backlinks is actually much higher than other SEO methods. The rapid efficiency of this method can be another distinguishing feature of this method compared to other SEO methods. These two important things together can turn backlinks into the best SEO method.
In fact, in answer to the first question, we must say that SEO may be harmful to the site, especially if inexperienced people do it. But this is the best SEO practice, so we definitely shouldn’t ignore it. For this purpose, we must find a way to drastically reduce the problems of using backlinks for our site. But how is this possible?
Final word
Finally, we must point out that although we need SEO and backlinks to increase the authority of our domain, we should not ignore its disadvantages. Backlinking is considered a criminal act, and different algorithms have been designed under the supervision of Google to deal with it.
For its alternative methods, a long list can be lined up, from guest posts and using social networks to reportage and click ads, which, if we compare fairly, none of them are as fast and efficient as high-authority backlinks.
Thus, the best strategy is to go through this difficult path with experienced consultants and professionals who have been seeking knowledge and doing various projects all the time.